How To Give Your Business Credibility

Let’s face it. Buying products
and services from the Internet
can be a bit intimidating.

You may have no idea where
the online merchant is located.
You may not know how safe your
personal and credit
card information will be.

You may be unsure if you’ll
even get the product or
what to do if the product
is broken when it arrives
at your door.

These types of concerns are
what you are up against when
you sell products from
a website.

Here some tips to build credibility
with potential customers.

1. Include all your contact
information on your homepage.
Your phone and fax numbers, e-mail
address, etc. List the hours you’re
available to take customers’
phone calls.

2. Offer a money-back guarantee.
This is a must, especially if
you’re selling higher price items.
Mention your guarantee at least
a couple of times in your copy.

The more details you give about
your guarantee the more comfortable
your prospect will feel. Your guarantee
should be valid for at least 30 days
after the purchase and it’s best to
have a “no-questions-asked” return

Be prompt in refunding the
customer’s money

3. Tell your site visitors how
their credit card and personal
information will be protected
if they buy from you.

Do you use a secure,encrypted server
to process their transaction?
Tell them. I have this info spelled
out right below the “Buy Now”
button on my website.

If you use a online credit
card processing company like PayPal,
be sure to include the credit
card buyer protection policy and
merchant verification process.
People want to know how they’ll
be protected against credit card

My credit card processing company,
PaySystems (
has a 100% guarantee against credit
card fraud. Customers can click on
hyperlink to read the guarantee
before they actually fill out any
credit card and personal information.

4. Use testimonials from satisfied
customers. Nothing helps sell a product
like a happy buyer. The more detailed
the testimonial the better. Be sure
to get your customer’s permission
before you quote him or her in your
marketing material.

Always use the customer’s first
and last name, company name
and title (if applicable)
and their location.

I think you’re less likely
to believe a testimonial if it’s
just signed “J. Doe” instead
of “John Doe, President, XYZ
Company, Houston, Texas.”

5. List your credentials or
experience on your website or
in your ezine. Again, the key is
the more a customer knows about
who they are dealing with, the
more assured they going to
feel doing business with you.

By putting these suggestions
into action, you’re bound to have
a happy group of customers. And
good “word-of-mouth” is the
cheapest, and most effective
form of advertising.

About the Author

David Coyne is a marketing consultant
and information publisher.

Get his FREE Report: “How to Run
A Home Based Business And Never
Create A Product, Write An Ad,
Or Talk To Anyone.”

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