How To Grow Your MLM Business Following This Simple System

Getting more leads is the only real way way to grow your network marketing businsess. This is easy to understand, but more difficult to do.

I would suggest that if you followed this simple system you could get more leads and grow your business more easily.

Here is what I do.

1. Article marketing. Write and submit articles to online article directories.

I like to use Submit Your Article because they have a program where you can develop unique versions of each article very quickly. If you can talk you can write articles and submit them on the Internet. It just takes a little time and practice.

Your goal in article marketing is to get the reader down to your resource box. In that resource box you include a link to your landing page or website with a sign up form to join your mailing list.

2. Landing page. You should promote this separately from your website. You should also have a sign up form on your web site above the fold where people can easily find it.

Offer something of value that would entice a person to give you their name and email address. That is all you need from them.

3. Autoresponder. I like Aweber. I know some people use others that are good too. You need a series of email messages that you pre load for follow up.

Your goal is to educate your subscriber and to build your credibility. Over time you will build relationships with your subscribers.

These are your best prospects and they will identify themselves by the questions they email you. Always take the time to reply back.

4. The telephone. If you want to sponsor more people offer to call your prospects. Most mlm companies have a system for getting a prospects phone number.

You do not need to do that. Just get their email address and name so you can follow by autoresponder. When a prospect completes a form on your company website they will give you their number.

All you do is call them and find out what they want. Why are they looking at starting a business of their own? What is their goals? How can you help?

Setting up this simple mlm business system is not hard to do. Doing the work is the hard part.

However, if you focus on building your own mailing list you will always have prospects. In most mlm companies you only need a handful of go getters to make very good money.

Once you get one program going you can add another one. The beauty of the Internet is you can now promote multiple network marketing opportunities and create multiple streams of income doing it.