How To Start a Proven Online Business

First, I want to let you know that there is no secret button to push for getting rich over night. No matter how many so called gurus saying so. To succeed online you need to have a good strategy and you must have the will to put some work into your online business. Yes, I said work! But don't worry; there are ways of creating automated online businesses with recurring monthly income. Once they are setup they run on Autopilot and all you will have to do is give a little support to your clients and to check that the monthly invoices are getting paid.

Ok, so far so good, but what kind of business gives you this opportunity? The one I started with was offering webhosting. There are Billions of websites out there and every day thousands of new domains are registered. And what do most of these domains need getting live in the internet? Yes, they need webhosting!! Can you imagine how huge that market is? Why not getting out there trying to get some pieces of the cake?

This all sounds good, but I have no clue about webhosting, you think? Let me tell you, that is no problem at all. Many webhosting companies out there are offering reseller hosting. Means, that you are selling their web-space to your clients and they take care for all the server stuff. All you have to take care for is finding a reliable webhost. There are many places in the internet to search for webhosts, i.e. Google, eBay.

Once you found a webhost of your choice simply sign up to their reseller plan, create your hosting packages and start offering them to a comprehensive monthly rate. Most of us already have an eBay account, so I recommend starting the hosting promotion from there. You might have already noticed the big competition on eBay, but don't worry, a big competition is an indicator that people are already making money with webhosting. To stay out of the crowd try to offer your service for a dollar or less the first month and after one month your normal rate.

You will see the first sales rolling in after a while. What a great feeling! Most of the people buying your offer on eBay are willing to stay with you and that means money comes in every month whether you are doing more sales or not.