by: Heidi Perry
I had a dental appointment this morning. I loved every minute of it.
Well, okay, maybe I didn't enjoy every minute. But, I did look forward to it weeks in advance, and I woke up happy and exhilarated at the thought of going to the dentist this morning.
Really, I did!
By now, you're thinking, "Boy, Heidi's been playing Chinese checkers on her computer screen way too long and is more than a marble short!"
While I won't argue with you on the one-marble-too-short claim, I did have a motive for my anticipation.
You see, I'm a mother of four children all of whom I homeschool. I'm also and entrepreneur and co-owner of a successful business which I run out of my home. You can imagine how hectic my life is on a daily basis.
What does this have to do with the dentist?
In two words...READING TIME!
Now, like all good entrepreneurs, I get my hands on everything I can to read. I have walls of bookcases filled with books and courses on marketing and other entrepreneurial delicacies. I have books on my bed stand, magazines in the bathroom, binders of printed eBooks in my car.
I, literally, have reading material with me everywhere I go, even on dates with my husband. Actually, we usually end up talking business over dinner and then going to the bookstore.
Neither of us can imagine running our business without the wealth of knowledge available to us.
As my dental appointment drew closer, I excitedly went through all my reading piles to select one bit of reading material that had been screaming at me for the last month.
Ahhh, a chance to sit quietly with no children, no interruptions, no phone calls...just myself and my book. Oh, yes, and my pencil for taking notes.
I was a reading maniac, soaking in every word.
So, where in the world is this article going? I'm going to make a confession to you...
My husband and I both attribute our success to the knowledge we have gained through reading and studying, and then...putting that knowledge to work.
Actually, I have another confession to make...
The quest for knowledge to become successful never ends.
It doesn't matter which successful entrepreneur you talk to. They will all have these things in common: they have boatloads of books, they read everyday, and they view their marketing efforts as a continually evolving and learning adventure.
So, I issue you this challenge. Turn off the T.V. tonight and find something worthwhile to read that will help your business or your personal growth.
And, if necessary, make an appointment to visit the dentist.
Copyright 2004 Heidi Perry