If Only There Was Some Forum For The Exchange of Ideas

If Only There Was Some Forum For The Exchange of Ideas

 by: Scott Foreman

For those of you over the age of 15 you have a reasonable memory of a time when there was no Internet. I’m just old enough to still be amazed at the ease of obtaining and pure volume of information available online. Not to mention the breadth of topics covered. It’s a rare day indeed when I meet someone who can’t find any information on their niche interest online.

While a huge amount of information exists online, it can be difficult, if not insanely frustrating to find sometimes. There is hope however, especially for those of you brand new to Internet Marketing. While we may lament the amount of competition in this Marketing field, it does provide us with a large number of incredibly knowledgeable professionals. Many of those experts are willing to share the information that they have to any who ask.

Admittedly, most of you already know what I’m about to say. It bears repeating, however, for even the most experienced of veterans, that there is always someone out there who knows more about your question than you. The answer is Internet Forums. For those of you new to the web, forums are just what the name suggests, places to post questions and ideas on a particular topic. Given that most visitors of forums have similar interests, you are most likely going to find someone that can point you in the right direction. It may take a day or two, but if you have the time, forums are great gathering spots for experts and pros alike.

Newbies can gather huge amounts of (mostly accurate) information. Vets can help out their fellow man/woman and even find answers to their own questions. You never know when someone with highly specialized knowledge is lurking in the shadows of the forum waiting to answer your detailed question.

Take advantage of forums to answer questions, meet new people, and just be around like-minded individuals. You will dramatically shorten your learning curve on any subject. When the day comes that you are the expert, remember where you got your start and help out the next guy.

While its not the intent of this article to recommend specific home business forums, please feel free to contact us for some of our favorites. Or you can visit our resources directly at: http://www.marketerschoice.com/app/adtrack.asp?AdID114085 Remember, be good to yourself and never underestimate the power associated with the intensity of your passion.

Wishing you Success,

Scott Foreman


Copyright 2004 Foreman Enterprises

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