Interviews with Well-Known Ezine Writers #3: - Shelley Lowery

rviews with Well-Known Ezine Writers #3: - Shelley Lowery

 by: Michael Southon

MS: Shelley, you're an excellent person to talk to about Ezine Articles, because - as well as being a prolific Ezine Writer - you own and operate the largest article announcement lists on the Internet ( How would you rate Ezine Articles as a promotion technique?

SL: Writing Internet articles is one of the best promotional strategies used online. Not only will it provide you with massive free publicity, but it will also build your credibility and promote you as a trusted professional in your area of expertise.

MS: How long have you been writing Ezine Articles and what are the main topics you write about?

SL: I've been writing articles for the last four years and I write mainly about Internet marketing, Ecommerce, Web Design, and Web Development.

MS: Shelley, are Ezine Articles your principal web marketing technique?

SL: Yes, writing articles is my main marketing strategy, as I have found it to be highly effective.

MS: What sort of Articles have you had most success with? In your experience, what kind of Articles are most in demand?

SL: I have found that articles written to teach and inform are the most in demand.

MS: Shelley, some Ezine Writers promote a product or service in their Resource Box, while others aim only to get a subscription to their free Newsletter. What would your advice be for getting maximum results from your Resource Box?

SL: I use a combination of both. I mention my product within my bylines, however, I concentrate more on gaining new subscribers. By obtaining my readers' email addresses, I will have the opportunity to advertise my products over and over again. A long-term relationship with a subscriber is much more beneficial than trying to make a one-time sale.

MS: What have you found to be the most effective ways of getting your Articles published?

SL: I use a combination of methods. The most effective method I use is an opt-in list. I enable my visitors to subscribe to my publishers list to receive new articles as soon as they're released. The second most powerful method I use is article announcement lists. Some additional methods include posting my articles on my website and submitting them to article directories.

MS: Apart from getting your Articles published in Newsletters, are there any other ways you use your Articles to promote your website? (such as turning them into a free E-Book)?

SL: In addition to getting your articles published in ezines, syndication services provide a great way to gain massive free promotion. If your article is published, it will be displayed across hundreds of websites.

MS: That sounds like something every Ezine Writer should be doing. You own and operate an article syndication service yourself - can you tell us more about that, Shelley?

SL: Sure, Michael. The Syndicator is a unique service that enables webmasters to publish complete articles (with the author's photograph) and/or just headlines on their website. These articles are available in several different categories including Business, Internet Marketing, Biz tips, Web Development, Web Design tips, Home/Family, Horoscopes and others. Each article feed displays fresh articles each week and is automatically updated.

MS: What kind of exposure could an Ezine Writer get through your syndication service?

SL: The Syndicator provides content to over 4,000 websites, including co-branded syndication sites. In addition, the syndicated content is dynamically delivered to over 10,000 ebooks circulating the Internet, with a combined audience of nearly half a million viewers each week.


MS: That's a huge audience! What sort of articles does the Syndicator accept?

SL: The articles selected to run in syndication should be well written in simple, everyday language that everyone can understand. They should provide our readers with quality information that teaches and informs in regard to the subject matter.


MS: Some people say - with regard to Ezine Articles - that everything that could possibly be written about has already been written. What would be your response to that?

SL: There's an endless number of subjects on which to write about. But even if a subject has been previously written about, every writer has their own style and their own opinion - your article will have its own uniqueness.

MS: What would you say is the single most important style tip for writing a good Ezine Article?

SL: Articles should be well written in a simple, everyday language. And, provide readers with quality information that teaches and informs in regard to the subject matter.

MS: And finally, Shelley, what would be your advice to someone who wants to write Ezine Articles but has never written for the Internet before?

SL: If you really want to get published, write your articles with a sincere desire to teach and inform. Talk to your readers and share your expertise.

MS: Thank you, Shelley - you've given us some great tips.

SL: Thank you, Michael. It was my pleasure.

© 2002 by Michael Southon