Is Your Success Predetermined?

Is Your Success Predetermined?

 by: Dan Milam

Your on-line success is based on your efforts and yours alone. Sure there are many tools that help you, but it is still you. If you are going to succeed, it will take all the time you can put forth. After all it is a business and yes you work from home, but that does not mean post a website and make money. An on-line business is like any other business, it needs to have a plan and goals or steps to set the plan in motion. Your success is directly proportional to your efforts.

What is the most important part your on-line business? (Advertising) What is the most important part of your advertisement? (It’s your Headline) How do people reach you on the Internet? What makes them click over to your web site or read your email message versus others? The answer is the Headline. If your headline does not grab their attention, your site never gets seen. If your headline on your site doesn't make them stay, they simply click through. There is nothing is more important than the headlines in your emails, banners, ads and especially your web pages. They must be powerful to make people want to know more. These headlines are so important that not spending the time on them could cost you a lot of money. The more time spent on your headlines than the actual writing of your ad or ezine is vital to your success in any advertising campaign. When you consider that the only way one reaches you on the Internet is through a headline, it gives you some idea of their power.

All of your classified ads should be the best headlines you have. Your banners should contain the most potent headlines you can think of. Give all your ads life and power then watch what happens to the response. Treat each ad like you absolutely had to get every visitor that sees it. What would happen if all the ads response suddenly tripled or even more? All from some very simple changes that would take no more than a few minutes. Your ads should be ever evolving until you have the results you deserve.

So as you see effort is all it takes. This is one of those situations where you “Work Smarter, Not Harder” and you will be rewarded.