It's Never Too Late To Start

It's Never Too Late To Start

 by: Nigel Owen

Many people never start anything because they think the bus has left them standing at the station.

They think it's too late for them to jump in the game... any game... and all the good opportunities have already been snatched up by somebody else.

All the good domain names are gone... (wrong!)

All the best businesses have already been started... (nope!)

Traffic is too expensive... (uh-uh!)

It's too complicated... (negative!)

I don't have the right skills... (hire someone cheap!)

If only I knew how to do this or that... (so learn!)

If only I knew so-and-so... (introduce yourself!)

I don't have a list of subscribers... (build one!)

All of these are lame excuses that actually have no basis in reality.

If you want to get in the game online... just do it!

If you want to start an online business... just do it!

If you want to start a newsletter... just do it!

Here's a real "secret," something I learned about 14 years ago when I was a "green" loan officer at my first mortgage bank:

"The more things change and the faster they change, the easier it is to get into the game even if thousands have gotten in before you."


Because when something changes, EVERYONE goes back to square one and has to learn how to deal with the new information that impacts the marketplace.

All you have to do is get in the game, things will change, and you'll be right up there even with everyone else.

Since things change so fast, the Internet actually makes it easier to start late, catch up fast, and even PASS the "old hands" and established players by adapting to change faster than they do.

The biggest mistake most people make is simply not believing in themselves enough to start... and if you never start, you can never cross the finish line.

But, just by starting.... you are on your way to winning!