K.E.Y.S. To Your New Life

K.E.Y.S. To Your New Life

 by: Shannon Herod

Starting a home-based business is a scary step in most peoples lives, but with the right attitude and a solid plan financial freedom is just around the corner. I don’t know were to start, how do I promote, and I just don’t have the money is what most of you are saying. Fasten your seat belt and prepare for to get a look at how to get you K.E.Y.S. to a new life.

Keep the dream alive. We all started with one thing in common and that is a dream to make it big on the net. The most deadly thing a marketer can do is forget the reason they started. Keep a close eye on your dream and do not let it slip. A few good was to remind your self are:

  • write your dream down on three pieces of paper one to keep with you at all times one to put on the mirror you go to first thing in the morning and the last thing at night and one at the computer.

  • Before you go to bed at night say your dream out loud in the present tense with convection and do the same thing in the morning.

  • Tell everyone you know what you are going to accomplish.

Everything revolves around building an opt in list. Buy all the books you want about marketing on the net and the one common denominator will be build a list. If you want to make consistent money on the net you will need to build an optin list of subscribers. The best way to do that is build a lead capturing page and add it as a popup or pop under on your main page and your order page. This technical alone will increase your profits dramatically.

Your advertising budget is also a key factor. If you have the money to spend on advertising make a budget and stick to it every month a few good places to advertise are:

  • Ezines

  • Google Ads

  • Pay per click exchanges

If money is an issue don’t worry there are great places to advertise that are completely free a few of great places are:

  • Traffic exchanges

  • Safe lists

  • Banner Exchanges

Supply your knowledge. When ever you get a new recruit let that person know you are there to help. If you are a beginner don’t worry because chances are so is the person you just recruited. Remember the better your downline does the better you do! Be a leader and people will follow.

Keep your head up and never stop striving to reach you dream. The K.E.Y.S to your new life are setting in front of you, now you just need to unlock the door!