Kevin Hicks - Warwick Master Bowman

Kevin hicks - warwick castle bowman!!!!

I am not often stuck for words, but this individual is truly
amazing. You will rarely ever see anyone with a stronger
 persona, sharper wit, or charisma even close to this man's.

We went to Warwick castle today, July 27th, and he was
head and shoulders worth the entry money on his own.
I would urge anyone to go purely to see this guy, who also
happens to know his subject back to front and seems an
extremely proficient bowman to rival even those of old.
I would certainly not annoy him.

I would also class myself as not being a shrinking violet,
but I know a class act when I see one, I couldn't do this
to this level of perfection day in day out.

If this helps him at all I'm glad, as he sure as hell works
hard at his job, and must make people's day all year long.

A pleasure to watch and listen to a truly genuine talent, and
an expert in his field; in an age of amateurs and charletans.

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Malcolm Pugh 2003

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About the Author

Born England 1952, now old and decrepit, reduced to writing.