by: Glenn Prialde
The biggest question that I have ever encountered when this internet fad was still new and young in my country was, Is there really money in it? The question applies not to the Internet Service Providers but to the users, the so called internet “savvy” individuals. The question was never answered, at least not until I acquired some technical knowledge and know how on what’s a website and actually made one.
At first I figured out the ways of internet marketing where advertisers could get lots of $$$ per month for just a single banner or a single text link. But that doesn’t stop there. There are also these sites that offer services for free at the first trial but with a fee for succeeding tries. One good example is the site I took ideas from and was inspired upon, It is an article directory site where ezine operators could get free contents. Yes, free to reprint but for authors seeking exposure you have to pay an amount for your articles to be published, well at least its free for the first submission.
Then there are sites that actually pay users who do a certain task, they are call “PT” (Paid To) sites. Among these sites are PTC (Paid to Click) sites which is similar or if not one with PTR (Paid to Read) sites. These sites pay you a certain amount by clicking a banner or a link from an email sent to you. Next, we have the paid survey sites where you fill in surveys and get paid. All these sites are like mushrooms sprouting like crazy. But only one thing is sure, whether users get paid or not what’s sure is that, the ones getting the bigger share of the money are the webmasters operating these PT sites. My advice to those who are interested in joining these sites is to be very careful because most of them, but not all are just scam sites trying to let you do all those thousands of clicks and pay you with nothing but air.
Those I mentioned were just a few of the facts I knew that one can really make money out of the internet. The single fact that I now know and benefited from was the fact that one can earn much out from the net if you have a website.
Once you have a website you could promote it by either signing up for those pay per click advertising or those commission affiliation programs. Pay per click affiliation is great but only if your website offers great content for users to keep coming back and be interested in clicking those ads. Google Adwords program is one and the best example for these kinds of affiliations. There are also commission affiliation programs like Commission Junction or where in you get a % of what they earn if the costumer comes from the banner or advertisement displayed in your site.
Above all always remember although a nice income is really possible to have in the internet, it’s never that easy to get, you have to work for it and even fail a hundred times before getting the right formula for a great site.