My Favorite Home Business Marketing Ideas

My Favorite Home Business Marketing Ideas

 by: Tom Worsley

If you’re planning to make money online with a work from home opportunity then you need places to advertise. Fortunately there are literally thousands of places for you to advertise your business and or products online. Both FREE and FEE based advertising. Below is a list of my top 5 ways I advertise and get good traffic to my work from home based web site.

1) The major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and AltaVista can bring you lots of FREE traffic but getting your site optimized properly for the proper keywords so you rank on the first page can be somewhat of a challenge. You can pay for someone to do the process for you or you can do it yourself. If you do it yourself get ready to do allot of reading and research. Join SEO ezines and discussion boards. For free information on SEO articles you can go to the following page.

2) Pay Per Click Search Engines (PPC) is a great way to get good quality targeted traffic to your web site. The experts say to find as many key words as you can that relate to your subject matter. But as I have found you really only need 2 or 3 really good keywords. You will need to test your advertising to see which ones work best for your opportunity and or product that you are advertising.

3) I cannot stress enough the power of RECIPROCAL LINKING. Link trades are easy and can make you a lot of money. The best thing about link trades is they are free!! What you need to do is contact at least 100 webmasters a week asking to trade links. You need to do some every day, seven days a week! Or if your time is limited, devote a good 4-8 hours on the weekend to trading links. Of course, the more people you trade with the more your site will be listed through out the Internet, which is more chances someone will come to your site and buy. This is your first step in obtaining your goals.

4) Top sites are a great way to advertise your site and get good traffic. They also double as reciprocal links giving you better search engine rankings and boosting your search engine traffic. There are top sites for almost every subject matter from home business opportunities to dating sites. Search for top sites on the major search engines and submit your site to them.

5) FREE traffic and viral hit generators are great for inflating your hit count. Unfortunately that’s pretty much all they are doing. Because the people who are sending you the traffic are only interested in the same thing you are. (MORE TRAFFIC) They are not actually interested in what you have to offer on your site. They are however good for a couple things. The first is search engine rankings. Some engines will actually give you a better ranking the higher your traffic is. Secondly I use FREE traffic exchanges to boost my top site rankings. The way a top site works is all the sites on the top site are placed in order of how much traffic they actually send to the top site. So if you use a traffic exchange to send hits to the top site you can get ranked in the top 10 giving you more exposure.

These are my top 5. There are a hundred more ways you can advertise including offline ideas. For more information on these and other ways to advertise check out my website at

Copyright © Tom Worsley