I know you don't believe me, but it is true. People really do love
pop up windows!
Think about it.
I get all kinds of E-mail messages from people telling me how
much they enjoy my web site, and how fortunate they were to
find it. Some of them even tell me that God must have sent them
there. That's how happy they are to have found it.
I drive a lot of traffic to my web site with pop up windows, but the
strategy that I use is rather unique. If you'd like see exactly
what I do visit this page on my web site:
Now, think about what you just read. I get a lot of E-mail from
people telling me how much they love my web site, and one of
the tools I use to drive traffic to my web site is are pop up
Do the people that send me those E-mail messages love pop
up windows? They sure love the one that sent them to the web
site that offers the information that they have been desperately
searching for!
People are quirky characters, and I lead the quirky parade.
You can not believe what people tell you about themselves!
When you ask people, they will tell you that they hate pop up
windows. But what they really mean, is that they hate pop up
windows that don't interest them.
I'll give you a good example of what I mean.
My sister has a web site, and she will emphatically tell you
that she hates pop up windows. And she believes what she
is saying. But I'm here to tell you that it just is not true. As
a matter of fact, I'll bet you $100. that I could put a pop up
window on my web site that she would absolutely, positively,
click on.
Even though she hates pop up windows, she'd click on mine,
as long as she didn't know that I was setting her up. She
would have to click on it. She would have no other choice.
It's kinda like sneezing. It just happens, and there's nothing we
can do to stop it from happening.
So how would I get her to click on my pop up window?
With this simple headline:
"Free- French Beading Flower Patterns" click here!
That's all it would take, and my sister would click on that pop
up window, even though she says she hates them.
You see, she sells French Beading Flower Patterns from her
web site, and because the market is so small, she knows all the
French beading web sites on the net. So if she saw this headline
in a pop up window, she would click on it. It's just human nature.
She probably would never admit to clicking on it, but she would
still click on it. And if she found an extremely valuable resource
behind that pop up window, she would be so happy that it popped
up against her will!
Now let's take this one step further.
You know your prospects better than anybody. So all you have to
do is write one or two sentences that will stop them in their
tracks just like in the above example, and put that sentence or
two in a pop and have it appear on web sites all over the Internet
and you will gain subscribers and web traffic like crazy.
Would you like me to show you a FREE an easy way to do that?
Just visit this page on my web site, you'll find all the details there.
About the Author
Michael J. McGroarty