Planning For Your Website's Future- Get Search Engine Traffic

Five tips to effectively schedule your content.

In order to get traffic on your site you need content. It's that simple the more
content you have the longer visitors stay at your site and the more free search
engine visitors you receive. So should you just href" ">find out what content your
visitors like and publish it? No!

Try to get as much content as you can, then schedule it. PHPNuke and other CMSes
offer you an option to "program" a story to appear in the future. So it doesn't
matter when you write it, it matters when you publish it.

Here are five tips on how to schedule your articles most effectively:

Seasonal If you have articles that is more effective in a season or near a
holiday. Then schedule it around that landmark so it will be more pertinent to

Correspond it to your site events- if your site is launching a new service
or product keep articles about the product to coincide with your launch.

Maintain a consistent schedule- If you adopt a frequent schedule then your
visitors will visit you more often. Google likes this to and they will send their
FreshBot to visit your site often if you have consistently new content. The more
frequently you get visited the more free search engine visitors you'll cultivate-
especially for timely topics.

Don't overload on one topic Schedule your articles so that you do not
display too many stories about the same topic in one period. While some of your
visitors may love it, other may not be interested in that topic and may decide not
to come back.

Tease your visitors. Show your visitors what's coming in the future so they
are encouraged to come back. For example href"">MetOpen offers an upcoming
articles section so visitors can see what we are offering in the future. Users
of PHPNuke can download
MetOpen's free Met Future Articles module

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About the Author

Heshy Shayovitz is president of Metropolitan
Computer Solutions
- a computer consulting firm specializing in giving small
business a big business presence on the internet. He received his MBA from New York University.