Promote Your Speaking and Coaching with Free Articles

How much time do you spend promoting your business? Two
hours out of six? One hour out of six? Maybe not even that

No need to feel guilty. Today, through a simple, yet elegant way
to promote, you can spend only 3-4 hours a week to get your
word out. And you'll reach thousands, rather than just a few.

Guru Peter Drucker said that only marketing and promoting
produce results in business. The rest are costs. I agree. Do you
want better results too?

Some Promotions Work Better than Others

While press releases, book reviews, post cards, business cards,
networking, appearances on radio and TV, and selling products
from the back of the room brought me some success, it was
slow and small. Like you perhaps, I was unsatisfied with the
number of clients. And, it was getting to be too much work to
sell my books.

There must be a better way I thought. I reached out first, to
research how I could promote Online. During that time, I wrote
three eBooks, which I also sell in print. They are quality, with full
content and resources, so they took about 4 months to write. I
learned that print books can actually be sold through eBooks
and other Online promotions. I also got a new client straight from
my emails, and another one from my Web site.

What I learned: Free information is the key.

To set up my virtual marketing machine I gathered e and URL
addresses of ePublishers and Web sites who wanted free
information. I started writing new articles, dusting off old ones.
After subscribing to these ezines, I was allowed to submit. It
took about 4-7 days.

In the meantime, I set up my computer files with articles to
submit, added new publishing addresses into my book so I could
just push a button and send to many thousands of subscribers.

While the saying goes that we should promote 90%, I decided
that I could spend less time on promotion.

I now had my virtual marketing machine. My new Web site's
sales in August were only $75, and by December they were

That proved to me that these new efforts were worth their small
time and price (nothing).

I realized that without the right promotion, those useful products,
teleclasses, and services would remain mainly untapped. I
remember the old days when author friends suffered after
spending thousands of dollars and many hours of time only to
see few results. I wanted to leave that picture behind.

Another advantage of submitting articles to ePublishers is that
you don't have much competition in cyberspace. So many
businesses are Online, and every one of them needs inspiration,
information, and entertainment. Opportunities abound for you
who coach and speak in personal growth, business, career, and
other subjects.

Remember, it's free information that gets people to know who
you are. It turns out it's not who you know, it's who knows you.
Submitting your free articles answer the call.

About the Author

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach
eBook:Quadruple Online Sales in 4 Months with Free Articles
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The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports