Resource Box Tips - Market Your Articles So That Readers Will Click on Your Links to Visit Your Site

The resource box, also known as the author's bio, is the place to invite readers back to your blog or website page. This box and link is really the purpose for the entire article. It is the focal point where you want your reader to end up clicking through to your link. The resource box comes at the end of your article, and should flow seamlessly after the body of your writing is completed. Even though you are allowed to include two links here, it is best to just use one.

One great way to get people to follow your link is to offer a free download of your audio recording, special report, eBook, or other information, and then tell them why they will benefit from receiving it. The idea is to make them an irresistible offer that will encourage them to click on your link. Explaining the benefits here is crucial to the entire process. What will they gain by clicking on your link and visiting your site? Make this language compelling enough to get them to click through in anticipation of receiving what you have to offer. If they are not comelled they will click off your article and you will lose them.

If you look at well written articles, you will see that it's difficult to know where the body of the article ends and the resource box begins. This is due to the fact that it flows naturally from one section to another so that the reader maintains focus and interest. When a resource box is used in this way the reader just thinks they are reading the end of the article, not the credentials or other information they may not be interested in.

This type of writing can be learned by reading many other articles. You will see ones that do not work well at all, mainly because the author will include the copyright symbol or other wording that lets you know the end has come. If the reader is clued in that the end has come in an article they do what most of us would do, they stop reading and move on to something else. Instead the writers who know what they are doing use resource boxes that draw the reader to their link, resulting in hundreds of clicks back to the site of the person who wrote it, include open and inviting language that offers a free gift that will be beneficial.