Should You Invest in a Paid Web Site

One of the biggest misconceptions people have who
market a product or business online is thinking that
a free web site is just as good as a paid one.


Free web sites are fine for fun and games and there is
a definite need for them on the Internet. But this is not
so for serious-minded business people. Credibility is
tantamount to doing business on the World Wide Web.

In order to establish credibility on the Internet, you would
be much wiser to invest in a private paid web site whereby
you are guaranteed that your web host will not "disappear"
one day and take your business along with it.

A free web page/site gives your customers the impression
and implies that your business is not that important to you.
Would you want to do business with someone who cared
so little about his business that he was not willing to
secure his investment?

A free web site will also come with "strings attached."
No company is going to give you a free web site without
wanting "something" in return.

Companies that offer free web pages/sites will often
require you to sign up for some other costly service and
require you to let others post banner ads on your site
which could ultimately cost you sales.

By having other banner ads on your web site, you stand
the chance of your customers clicking on those banners,
never to return to your web page! Can you really afford to
lose customers when you finally get them there? Web
surfers don't hang around for long so you really need to
have their undivided attention! Studies indicate that 60%
of the people who visit a web site will leave the site
immediately if they see any advertising banners.

Some companies that offer free web pages will also
bombard you with unsolicited "junk" emails and many
other undesirable things. Some of them will also sell
your name to list brokers.

Free web pages are usually limited in size (typically not
more than 5 megs). None of them will give you
state-of-the-art web building software and tutorials to help
you build a web site. The free software is pretty basic.

In the end a paid private web site will ultimately convey
to your customers that you are a serious business
person and that "they" are your most important asset!


> A web site that is large enough and has enough pages for

all of your needs.

> The ability to edit and maintain your web site yourself

rather than pay a webmaster to do it for you.

> State-of-the-art software that is simple enough to use for

the beginner and advanced enough for the experienced


> Tutorials that will teach you how to build your web site that

are easy to understand and in multiple languages.

> Hosting that is free or very inexpensive.

> A secure web site which will have free live unlimited

technical support available.

So do yourself a favor and stop fooling around with "free
web sites." If you are serious about either starting your own
business or promoting your existing one, it will ultimately be
to your advantage to have your own private web site. Your
customers will feel more comfortable and more likely to buy
from you which in turn will definitely increase your sales.

About the Author

Rosanne Cohen
Please visit for exciting details
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