How four partners build and manage an exclusive art posters web site by emulating the way the echo works.
Imagine a top-notch photographer, some demanding visitors and an e-commerce site that wants to make money. But not at any price and under any conditions, within a policy of exclusivity and selectivity.
You have got three quarters of our "Echosystem Build":
1. The top-notch photographer submits an outstanding photo to the web site whose selection committee decides to select or not select it.
2. The selected photo is voted or not voted by the demanding visitors.
3. The elected photo is put into a catalog that is strictly limited to 64 items.
To cap that, the number of photographic digital enlargements is strictly limited following the estimated World Population, which gives us the fourth quarter of our "Echosystem Build".
Such an e-commerce does exist, it is called
Each and every photo is edited once and never again and delivered with a numbered authentication certificate. The catalog applies the well known "one new goes in, one old goes out" rule.
Only one person per million – sometimes even one person per ten million – can buy and possess a poster that exists nowhere else for the price of non exclusive and non limited quality editions.
As for the photograph and the publisher "success rules". means "One Person Per Million".
About the Author
Daniel Borel is a marketing and communication specialist since 1964. That makes him acutely aware of a hard-to-manage happening: simply say "tree" to a Canadian and a Polynesian and compare what they visualize and you understand what marketing communication implies.
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