by: Howard Keith
In the last year I have so many people try to educate themselves on how to market their website.
There were programs they joined that they believed were going make them rich with little or no effort only to find once again they lost their money. Then there were others who totally amazed me, since they found marketing that really worked.
Their goal was to make money on the internet delivering a good product. Then they realized, even if you have a new innovative product that's fantastic if people don't know about it or can't find it, there’s no point. I have seen so many websites come and go in the past year because they were unable to match the right kind of reliable marketing with their particular product.
Due to all the scams and misunderstandings regrding the internet people have become skeptical to use their credit cards online. Website owners found paypal to be an excellent vehicle. They remember setting up their account and next thing they knew they were finally selling more. In some cases sales increased 1000%. People find it easier and safer to enter their password and click pay verses having to enter all their personal information.
Then they discovered affiliate programs. They I had problems with only one so far. Not crediting people who joined under me as my down line. I found if you ask a friend to sign up as an affiliate to you, you will know immediately. Unfortunately for me I didn’t realize it until two months later. Everyday I learn something new and so will you if you take the time to educate yourself. I am making friends everyday with other website owners. We are becoming a team and sharing information on what’s good and what’s not.
I used a company called Build Traffic my website is number one on MSN, Yahoo and quite a few others. It shockedAnother way to increase income with very little effort.
Then they found linking to other sites helped them to get greater exposure. Some people say links to your site increases their location on the search engines.
Others submited their site for free to safe lists, FFA pages and so much more. They also used pay per click advertising. A majority of people had a steady succession as they learned from their mistakes.
There are many reliable marketing companies to help you grow. Determination helped them to become a winner with internet marketing. A new website that has been changing from day to day has quite a few marketing products. Look things over carefully and decide what may be right for you. The website offers a variety of products and yes there are free things you can join that can help you too. People say stay away from safelists , FFA marketing and other areas. They do this so you stay away and purchase their marketing products. I found a little of everthing worked. That's what they continue to do every day.
Marketing becomes easier to understand as you experiment with different marketing techniques. Yes people make mistakes but the outcome is positive and that's the bottom line.
More then one person told me that build traffic helped them to hit number one on the MSN search engine, their sales increased and they were off and running. You can find build traffic at the reliable marketing website.
It's free to look and at the same time educate yourself prior to making any major financial investments.
Please feel free to email me.