The Benefits Of Having Internet Big Picture Skills

Benefits Of Having Internet Big Picture Skills

 by: Alwyn Botha

This article explains the value and relevance of having Internet big picture skills.

To start, just what is Internet Big Picture skills?

Definition: Internet Big Picture skills

Being able to understand problems and Internet opportunities In the largest, biggest picture perspective possible. Always understand opportunities from a global or very wide perspective.

Use your understanding of this broad, global view as an environment within which to combine small, narrow focus and fragmented approaches to a coherent, total solution. Major opportunities are global, seemingly complicated, but within reach using small steps.


You must be able to understand the Internet opportunity you want to focus on in the largest, biggest picture perspective possible.

For example:

  • If you are an expert on writing meta tags only, you can, at most, be the world's best meta tag writing expert.

  • If, however, you are an expert on all aspects of designing a website for the top ten positions in only one search engine, you can, at most, be the world's best top ten positioning expert for this one search engine.

  • If, however, you are an expert on all aspects of designing a website for the top ten positions in the ten most important search engines, you can, at most, be the world's best top ten positioning expert for the top ten search engines.

  • If, however, you are an expert on all aspects of developing software to help design a website for the top ten positions in the ten most important search engines, you can, at most, be the world's best top ten positioning software expert for the top ten search engines.

  • If, however, you are an expert on all aspects of positioning a website for the top ten positions in the most important search engines, you can be: the world's best search engine positioning expert.

Experts are required, but if your area of focus is too small, you will never see the bigger picture and the corresponding bigger opportunities associated with it.

By all means, be an expert in your chosen field.

Just keep in mind that at higher levels your expertise can be packaged with the expertise of others into more complete solutions. Then consider how these packaged solutions can be packaged at another higher level for a much higher level, expensive, complete solution.

Continue packaging these solutions at higher and higher levels until you start packaging (combining and re-purposing) solutions across several industries on a global scale.

`To do' list

  • Think about the ways in which your narrow field of expertise can be combined with those of others into a more complete solution for prospective customers?

  • Contact those other `narrow field of expertise' experts and build a more comprehensive, overall solution.

  • Think about how this packaged solution can be packaged at a higher level for a much higher level, expensive complete solution.

Relevance of Internet Big Picture skills to your achievement of maximum Internet success

If you are just leveraging your narrow area of expertise, you are not getting the maximum returns you possibly can.

If you think big, you can partner with others, and you can all leverage each others' strong points. Best results will be obtained here where each business partner bring something to the partnership that mutually reinforces (strengthens) the contributions of the other business partners.

The better your Internet Big Picture skills, the higher levels of leverage you can get.

The bigger your picture of your Internet Big Picture skills, the much, much higher levels of leverage you can get. Please reread the meta tag expert example above to see how higher levels of thinking will get you higher levels of leverage and profit ;)