The Key Component to Network Marketing Success

If you are new to the concept of network marketing you may be asking whether it is more profitable to recruit or sell the products. Those who are skeptical of the programs will probably tell you it's impossible to become financially secure if the only thing you do is bring in new recruits. "You have to sell" they will tell you. For those who do not like the idea of selling or don't feel they are good salespeople this will be an immediate turnoff. The potential sponsor needs to know how to turn this negativity into a positive attitude in order to grab the attention of the prospect.

Those who have never been involved in networking cannot possibly understand the concept, but the reality of this type of business is while sales are important, it is the recruiting that will provide financial security. The reason for that is because as a sponsor you are paid not only for your own personal sales volume but also for that of those below you. As you reach higher levels your bonuses will increase. Each network is different, but there is a point where you will begin earning residual income as well thus you can be on vacation or sleeping and your network will still be earning money for you.

You are probably thinking, "How do I get sales volume unless I sell? That just isn't possible." Actually it is because you will buy products or services you need from yourself and still generate volume for your network. You will also find people who are not interested in the opportunity to join your network but would like to buy from you. It doesn't matter what kinds of products or services your network provides, there is something for everyone. If you look around you will find insurance, food, clothing, health care products, legal plans and much more.

Does this mean I can't sell the products or services my organization provides? Certainly if you are interested in selling you are free to do so, but those who have no interest in selling can still make money using their own products and services, especially if they are of the consumable variety. How much you are able to make depends on how much work you are willing to do in order to reach your goals. Like any other kind of business, the more work you do the more money you will make.