The Keyword is 'ARTICLES'

Why am I writing about articles?, well for one its my job and then its free, easy and boosts your site image. Yeah

most of you have read about articles and the power they have to drive traffic to your site.

Articles, if offered as free to publish content, will automatically make its way to places you would have thought it

impossible to go, and because your bio is attached to it, it means that where your articles go, you go too. And

all this is free. The better your article, the more people read it, pass it on, and visit the source of the content, your site.

Personally i do feel that writing articles is your small way of saying thanks to the internet. Face it at some point in

our lives the web has been used by us for free, be it free email, chat, personal homepages or even information

search. By contributing to this evergrowing community we are helping others just as we were helped. Now do not

mistake me for a preacher, i just got a bit emotional.

Writing articles is easy, provided you have atleast a slight inclination towards writing, and all of us are blessed with

some kind of information regarding something that the majority of the population is unaware of. So what are you

waiting for? Start writing.

Couple of pointers however,
# Make sure you write content that is easily understood by people and maintains their interest. You may sure know

about how to extract Gold from goat urine, but i'm not sure others would. Hence if you want people to be drawn to

your site, firstly write about something that concerns your website, and secondly write keeping in mind your

potential website visitors.

# Write such that even a kid would understand, remember, that means the scholar would automatically understand.

# Read articles that are most read. This would give you a better idea as to how to opimize your article to attract maximum viewership.

# Title is KING
Make sure you have an attractive or even preposterous title. But it has to grab attention. Most of the time your article is presented only by your title. If your title captures attention your article gets read.

# Submit it to as many possible sources as you can. This would ensure the reach of the article, the more the better.
These are two sources i like.

About the Author

The Author is a blogging enthusiast and a SEO expert. He is available for free consultation on