So do you want to build the incontrovertible reputable online business? If you like to have a long lasting business with keep purchasing customers or remarkable network marketing system, then take a note for the don’ts things and beware of the out of date marketing campaign below:
1. Be mysterious. Because of your product and service is a great thing of your new exciting innovation masterpiece, don’t tell anything about it until your customer pay you.
2. Don’t give any guarantee, refund method, or even trial option. Remember, you product is the greatest hit; people don’t need to be respected by give them right to choose.
3. No one can contact you to ask any further question. Don’t put any e-mail, phone number, and of course, your address, other resources link, and testimonial from credible resources. You don’t want any credibility right? So why make trouble with crosscheck method.
4. Put your picture on your business web is dangerous. How about if people recognize you? They will know that you are real.
5. Because keyword is important, put as much as you can in your website and hide some of them for cheating search engine. The exclamation marks and hype must be fully packed and can be found everywhere in your pages. It’s important to tell people that you are sooooo exxagggerrateee!!!!!!!! with your business.
6. Give promise that your business will make people rich on the next day after they take some sleep. Hey, this is magic business right? People just need one click as their magic wand.
7. Tell you can help by blasting offering e-mail to billion people inbox without being accused as spammer.
8. Put slogan of “the nothing to do business but can make your rich“. And because online business is never fail, don’t give any support method or education or training, or everything that can make people being more rich than you.
About the Author
Mira Marsellia is member of Elite Team Marketing and independent representative of Financial Freedom Society,Inc. For further information and enhance your knowledge about internet marketing training and get ongoing support, visit: Elite Team Marketing