by: Steven Boaze
Majority of the email messages we receive today either ends up in our saved messages folder or goes straight to the trash can. The more dominate and familiar messages are usually associated with past business or personal contacts is why we save so many emails in so many folders that it creates an email management nightmare.
Regardless of the excessive spam, the way our human mind picks through emails which are important, is by looking at the headline. If the headline does not appeal to our normal judgment of being a legitimate reason for contact, the email should either be trashed or saved for further reading. This is not to suggest using spam messages for all email contacts. It does, however restricts the use of commercial emails who did not optin and simply directs attention for those who have opted in to receive advertisements.
The problem with today's email messages are the bogus and hyped up headlines and the content does not match the headline, therefore is miss leading the purpose behind the product or service trying to be advertised. Now, all email messages are not presented in this fashion, but overwhelmingly 80% of what we receive daily in our inbox continues to never change.
The unidentified rule of the headline, is that it must sell the email message. Without a main theme mentioned in the headline itself telling of the product or service, then the purpose of the headline has now been shot down and eventually ends up in the trash. This means for those who are trying to sell by email, Must let the reader know what it is they are trying to sell in order to "Get The Click" and gain their interest to open the email to start with. A fashionable trick luring the reader to open the message will only make things worse and the credibility of the sender is now in jeopardy.
The unidentified rule of the email message relates directly from the headline in presenting the product or service without false pretenses. The number one reason of failure for email ads with bogus content, is the email was written to sell the product or service straight from the content instead of directing the reader to a website which in turn should sell the wares.
There are three main unidentified rules:
This rule is called "The Proper Email Message Structure" and it must be utilized in every email message that is in advertising nature. All other messages which are used for contact or follow up with customers, can be informal, however if there must be a selling message, this can be accomplished simply be using a signature file or by using a PS. which in turn should also retain from heavy selling, but should stick to benefits more than promotion.
Another down side towards reading messages which seem to scroll into the distance, the average attention grabbing moment is only going to last within 60 seconds. Anything longer in reading a message which does not focus the readers attention on, will get trashed immediately. This email packet we all have seen that never ends, most likely has good intentions and worth the time spent reading it, although research has carved a path stating that the time we spend going through emails daily, our productivity is decreased by 38% due to overly tricked email messages.
1200 email recipients were surveyed determining whether they would read short or long emails with advertisements in them, 64% confirmed the deletion of long email messages for only those which did not interest them.
Any email of greater length can be extremely effective when stressing the key points and most importantly the benefits keeping the readers attention throughout the entire message. This also applies to short emails using key points, but tells us the advantages of reading an email in shorter length and having straight forward facts, will be more effective than longer ones.
The most attractive way to present HTML email messages without "screaming or yelling" is to use limited amount of graphics. This will minimize size and loading, plus it is easy on the eyes when reading the content and not trying to focus on heavy bright or conglomerate images. Seeing a great looking picture in our email with very little text, 94% of the time will be deleted, especially when it comes from anonymous senders. If the message should involve a graphic, so should the text to go with it. Period.
The unidentified rule of using advertisements in an HTML environment are to point out specific types of promotions, specials or events using Bold Titles, Headlines and Links. Use Italicizing for sub headlines and use bold and Italicizing for sub titles. This will present the email message so the reader can visually see key points or sections of the message and not be thrown off subject.
Keeping a positive attitude is a must when writing a selling email message, and also requires the email to be focused on the reader at all times and not hyping up the next special offer.