Treat Your Online Business Like A Seed To Make It Grow.

What can the seed from a flower teach us about our eBusiness?

Learn to build a better web site by nurturing your visitors, prospects and customers.I wrote this little article on a day the we desperatey needed rain and we go it. Arent we blessed!

Today we are getting some rain that will save many plants and trees. The heat wave we have had in the last week has been so intense that we have had more forest fires already that we had all last year.

That has me thinking of my flowers and how hard I had to work to keep them alive over the past week. It is an on going process that keeps them alive and thriving, but every minute I put into my plants is worth it, and they pay me back with their beauty and seeds for their future survival.

I think growing a flower and growing your eBusiness makes for a great analogy. The care you take at the beginning will determine how beautiful they both will be when they flower. They foundation you prepare ahead of time will determine how many seeds your flower or ebusiness will produce, which is security for the future.

Fertile Ground...

First you need fertile ground, an area that your seed or idea is going to be able to take root. If it is not the type of ground that your seed needs, or the right niche for your idea,
it will give you zero results or it may start and then just wither and die. Different seeds need different ground to grow in and not every seed or idea will survive either, so you never just plant one seed. Very biblical.

Your business ideas are seeds that need planting and planted firmly in fertile ground. The internet is your garden and there are many types of soil, you have to research it to find the most fertile ground for you ideas.

So, you study the requirements needed for a success garden and you manage to find a great spot for your seeds, but...

...fertile ground still does not guarantee beautiful flowers. You have to nurture and protect those seeds to keep them from be destroyed by a misplaced foot step or a hungry bird looking for an easy meal.

New eBusiness ideas can be as delicate and helpless as those seeds. Friends and family, although full of good intentions, may just step right on your ideas, giving you doubts and in no time your ideas are stomped on and destroyed. Guard your ideas and
keep them safe, only share them with people that have vision, keep away from the bird-brains that will just pick them apart until they are all but destroyed.

Give them the gift of life - Water...

Those little seeds can be as hard as a rock and appear to be lifeless, but add a little water and WOW, you have life. You have to be sure that your seeds get just enough to allow them to thrive. Give them too little and they will be starved for water and if you give them too much you will drown them.

They also need to be gently water without using to much pressure. If you water your seed with too much pressure you may just wash it right out of the ground and it will just sit there until it is eventually useless and gets blown away. Gently water that seed and your seed will begin to sprout. But your work is not done yet is it.

Your eBusiness ideas need to be watered enough to make them come alive and to have them thrive. You have fertile ground to give your ebusiness a good foundation for growth and you water it just enough to keep it health but not so much that it is a washout.

You have to be aware of weeds also. They will sprout and take right over your garden. Knowing what are flowers or great ideas is important. Your contacts and business partners need special attention also. Enough attention to stir life but not so much that you drown them with your attention. Over watering with too much attention can be just as deadly as no attention at all.


Unless you plan on growing mushroom you can not keep your garden in the dark all the time. Your new sprout now need light. Your garden need the right type of light depending on what they are capable of handling. The light that will one flower growing and healthy can burn other flowers. Too much light for some plants is overwhelming and can actually stop their growth, it can kill even kill some helpless little sprouts.

Your eBusiness contacts need light in the form of knowledge, but just enough to make them reach for more. Too much knowledge at one time can give them information overload and actually stiffle their growth.


I would imagine your mind filled with ideas about the type of fertilizer found in internet gardening. :-0 I had a lady laughingly ask me where I get fertilizer for my internet garden and I told I got it from all BS web sites that make promised they have no idea how to keep.

It is important to give your eBusiness the fertilizer required for the best growth, but not so much that you burn your beautiful flowers. When you contact a prospect or subscriber do it with great content that is based on the topic of the initial contact and that it is going to help them grow their internet garden.


Now you have the right combination of earth, water, light, and fertilizer to grow the best possible flower. One that will make you and others grow better internet gardens. When your flower grows and matures it will then produce new seeds that you can use to produce more beautiful flowers.


Looking back to the moment you planted the seed you will notice that it did not happen over night did it. From seed to maturity it took work and nurturing to get the best results. To grow an eBusiness that produces beautiful results takes time, work and nurturing. Too much of any one thing can stop growth and even kill.

James Mann is the owner/operator of and Two Easy Guides Dot Com.