Want Higher Adsense Earnings Then Optimize Site Navigation

Webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That’s why they’re using it to go after the “high paying keywords.” They’ve bought the lists that tell them what these keywords are and they’ve used various other methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these “high paying” pages on their websites, the advertising money they expected to see isn’t rolling in. What’s wrong?

Well, having those pages is one thing. But driving visitors to those pages is an entirely different thing and is often what’s lacking. To get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you’ve got to optimize site navigation.

Take a moment to think about how visitors use your website. After landing on a certain page, they’ll often click to another page that sounds interesting. They get there by way of the other links that appear on the page they landed on. How you enable visitors to move about your website is what is meant by the term, “Site Navigation.”

A typical website has a menu of links on each page. The wording on these links is what grabs a visitor’s attention and gets them to click on one of the links that will take them to another page of your website. Links labeled “Free Resources” or “Download ebooks” are generally good attention-grabbers.

This same site navigation logic applies to driving traffic to your high paying pages. I have some pages on my website that get a lot of traffic from search engines, but the earnings on these pages are very low. I use cleverly-labeled links to get visitors off these pages and onto my higher earning pages. It’s a great and inexpensive way to turn cheap clicks into real dollars.

Ready, Set, Test

Before you begin testing, you’ve got to have two things: something to track and compare; and some high earning pages you want to funnel your site traffic to. For fast results, select a few of your highly visited pages.

Next think of ways to get visitors viewing a particular page to click on a link to one of your high earning pages. That’ll help you come up with a catchy description for the link. And remember, you can use graphics to grab your visitors’ attention. Be creative!

And remember, it’s all about location, location, location. Once you’ve come up with the attention-grabbing description, you’ve got to identify the perfect spot on your page for positioning the descriptive link to your high paying page.

Spend some time visiting other websites to see how they’re maximizing site navigation. For example, using a “Hot Pages” list or a “Most Read Articles” list are common menu selections.

Then let the testing begin. Try putting different text on different pages. That way you’ll get a feel for what works and what doesn’t. Mix things up a bit – put links on the top of the page and the bottom.

It’s now all a matter of testing and tracking, and testing and tracking until you find the site navigation setup that works best!

About the Author

Bas de Baar is the author of the e-book "Analyzing Adsense For Niche Websites." To learn how you can increase online profits by testing and analyzing, go to http://www.AffiliatePotion.com