We're giving away MONEY! Really!

We are giving away MONEY!

Like Money?

Who doesn't? datajam's Internet

is going to give away some really cool money! And, you may have a chance at winning an uncut sheet of $1 dollar bills direct from the US Governement Bureau of Printing and Engraving if you are one of the next (250) two hundred and fifty Registered Users to this site that submits an Article to our FREE Article Exchange, POSTs information to our FORUMs, or POSTs information to our BLOG.

We want you to join our site and take advantage of the Web Site Promotion resources we have available for you!

So how do you qualify for this drawing?

It's EASY!

Register: Register as a Member of this site by selecting "Home"> "Register" from the navigation buttons appearing at the bottom of the page header. Make sure to complete the registration process or you won't be able to perform the other requirements. Registration is FREE and Painless!

Post/Submit: After you have completed Registration, POST information/topic to our FORUM Section or to our BLOG. Or, SUBMIT an Article to our FREE Article Exchange. That is all there is to qualify for this drawing.

Upgrade: Upgrade you Drawing Prize to a sheet of Uncut $2 dollar bills! Want a sheet of $2 dollar bills instead of $1 dollar bills? Well then UPGRADE by submission of your URL Data to our SearchIt Directory. Or, submission of your E-Book related URL Data to our E-Book Directory. Or, by Submission of your Download Item or Download URL Data to our Downloads Directory.

And, that is all there is to it. Ten days after the 250 goal is reached we will draw from the Member Names of the 250 persons. And, one person will the winner of an uncut sheet of $1 dollar bills. If the winner has done the aforementioned upgrade, the prize will be upgraded to an uncut sheet of $2 dollar bills.

About the Author

Richard Brunelle is CC&BW for datajam's Internet
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