I've been asked this question. My newsletterlet's be honest
is just a sales pitch for fans of a nobody named Michael LaRocca.
Here I sit, not yet published, with 421 subscribers. That's one
heck of a fan base.
Okay, I've been published since making that statement, but the
question remains. 421 subscribers in four months with no product
to sell. What is my secret?
Let's look at what I just said. "No product to sell." I've been
sending out newsletters for four months, and I've written about
20 of them. One issue had a product to sell. What could I
possibly have written about in the other 19?
It doesn't matter. The point is, I wasn't "selling" anything.
People do not want to check the email box and find somebody
trying to sell him something every damn time he writes. They
want something that will help them, or something that's
interesting, or something that's just plain funny. If you get
someone to subscribe to your newsletter, and the newsletter gives
him/her nothing but a sales pitch, he leaves.
Every time I send out a newsletter, I lose about two subscribers.
But the rest just keep reading. That's the first point. Make it
a good newsletter. Otherwise, all those people who joined the
list "just to see what it's about" won't stick around. If that's
the case, all the promotion in the world won't help you.
Okay, with that out of the way, let's assume your newsletter
totally rocks. Let's assume it's so well written that every
person on the planet who sees it wants to bear your children. It
won't do you a bit of good if people don't know your newsletter
exists. And that's really what this article is about. How to
tell them.
Since you have a newsletter, you should start by listing it in
all the newsletters that do nothing except announce new
newsletters. Who would subscribe to such a newsletter? Not me.
I presume that the subscribers are folks with waaaay too much
free time on their hands. Just the sort of people I'm after.
What I did was visit each of the announcement lists, read their
rules, and put together a single ad that is acceptable to them
all. I saved the ad in a file along with their email addresses.
As often as I'm allowed, I send the ad to the appropriate places
and record the date that I did it. Some are weekly and some are
monthly. Here's my list:
ListBot has no searchable database, but they tell me it's coming
soon. I will look for "announce" and "promote" and add some
lists to my list.
SmartGroups - AAnnounce@smartgroups.com,
AAnounce@smartgroups.com, misterlister@smartgroups.com
Topica - AAnnounce@topica.com, announcelists@topica.com,
FindLists@topica.com, ListAnnouncements@topica.com,
List-Your-Lists@topica.com, ListBuilder@topica.com,
ListOfLists@topica.com, list-announce@topica.com,
Yahoogroups - 00-list-announce@yahoogroups.com,
AAnnounce@yahoogroups.com, announce@yahoogroups.com,
announce-lists@yahoogroups.com, ezineannounce@yahoogroups.com,
getmoresubs@yahoogroups.com, ListAnnouncements@yahoogroups.com,
ListofLists@yahoogroups.com, List-Your-List@yahoogroups.com,
ListAdvertise@yahoogroups.com, listpromote@yahoogroups.com,
Newlists@yahoogroups.com, promoteyourlist@yahoogroups.com,
As long as you're visiting the egroups, consider this. E-groups
allow you to send a single email to everyone on the subscriber
list. If you dive into every group you find and say, "Here's my
site and here's what I'm selling," you're immediately identified
as a spammer. People get pissed at you, and that's NOT the way
to sell a book or a newsletter or anything else.
But here's what you do. As an example, let's say you wrote a
book that's loaded with horse stuff. Find the groups where
horsey people hang out. Join the conversations. Don't spam!
Just have some fun talking about something you love, horses. Be
as helpful as you can. At the end of each message, slip in your
SIG. Your SIG will contain your website or newsletter address.
You'll be surprised how many people "follow you home" and join
your group.
Ask yourself why you're visiting my website or subscribing to my
newsletter. (You are subscribing, aren't you?
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/michaellarocca) It's because I'm
providing content you want and need, and am genuinely nice and
helpful. That's just how I am, but it also happens to be a great
sales gimmick. Remember that. Provide something USEFUL in those
conversations, and casually slip in your URL. Don't just go
plastering everyone with the same spam or they'll never forgive
If you have a newsletter, and you have a website, each can
promote the other. Both are free, so if you don't have both, fix
that right away.
Now if you have a newsletter but no website, you may be saying "I
can't set up a website." Wrong! I'm not going to go into all
the details because (1) There are too many and (2) There are far
too many people more qualified than I am. But if you want some
help getting started, visit
The site mentioned above is my own. It's where I put info and
links about the places that I've learned from. It'll get you
started. What you want to remember is this. Don't go after
writers. Yes, I did that, but don't follow my example. Go after
readers. Always remember that when you market. Readers.
Another example. If you wrote a book which is full of action
scenes on snowmobiles, put up a snowmobiling website. Don't put
up a site that says "I'm Michael LaRocca. Buy my snowmobile
novel." Who logs onto a search engine and specifically looks for
Michael LaRocca? Nobody. If they knew who I was, I wouldn't
have this marketing problem. No, bring in the snowmobilers.
Create the ultimate source of snowmobile info, the kind of place
that everyone who owns a snowmobile or is thinking of getting one
will want to visit. Then slip in the mention of your book. Easy
to see, but not overpowering. Do it right, and sales will take
care of themselves.
What you'll have, if you can pull this off, is a website that's
highly placed in the search engines every time someone logs into
one and looks for snowmobile stuff. If all THOSE people visit
your site, that's the kind of exposure you want.
This is my new pet theory. The Internet is overwhelmingly large.
Nobody can take it all in. Nobody has the time or the desire.
So what they do is form little "communities." Authors hang out
over here, dog lovers over there, etc. We have our little
address books, and we spam everyone on our list with tired jokes
or "Hey guess what I did today" or whatever. We use little
pieces of the Internet. If you've been to my site, odds are
you're a writer. We have our community as well.
All writers visit Inscriptions, all writers visit their
publishers' egroups, etc. But let's pretend you sell your book
to everyone in your community, which you won't. What next?
There aren't enough people in your community to make it
worthwhile. I'm always looking for ways to get the word out to
new communities.
As in, fire up a search engine and look for snowmobile sites. Go
sign their guestbooks. Again, not with "visit my site!" Sign
them with real comments and real content, and slip in that URL.
Heck, sign guestbooks that have absolutely nothing to do with
anything connected with your writing.
Ideally, you'll make it into word-of-mouth advertising. That's
where some total stranger likes what you're doing so much that he
tells his buddies, who tell their buddies, and so on. Shall we
mention Mahir? That's the Turkish fellow who you may have seen
playing ping-pong on David Letterman in red Speedos. Word-of
mouth advertising made his site the success that it is today, and
if we can be honest his site stinks.
Having said all that, there are some writer groups you must
visit. http://www.inscriptionsmagazine.com is the first.
Subscribe to it for the advice you'll receive. When you're
published, mention that to them. It's free, and over 5000
subscribers will read your little blurb.
If you're an epublished author, EPIC and EPPRO come to mind next.
Writer communities, but extremely helpful ones. You'll sell some
books there, perhaps, but mainly you're in it for the advice.
EPPRO is free. EPIC is $30/year. (Yes, I know I said "free"
before, but I made an exception for EPIC.) The addresses are
http://eppro.homestead.com/ and http://www.eclectics.com/epic/
You've got a newsletter, and I've got a newsletter. If I post a
brief ad for your newsletter in mine, you post a brief ad for my
newsletter in yours. That's an ad swap. Quick, painless, free. My
readers can visit you or blow you off. They can join or not.
When I had 80 subscribers, the guys with 250 refused to swap ads
because I was too small. I call them geeberheads. I've got 421 and
I just swapped ads with a guy who has eight.
Anyway, look for ad swaps. Try not to put more than two per issue
nobody wants to read dozens of ads. If you want to swap ads with me,
I'm at laroccamichael@hotmail.com
Log onto any search engine and look for this phrase, and you'll be
amazed. I used a lot. Some are legit and others are FFA (Free-For-
All) places where everybody on the site will spam you with their own
classified. The biggest fish in the pond is
http://classified.yahoo.com and it's certainly worth a visit.
Advertise both your site and your newsletter. Renew your ads
whenever Yahoo automatically tells you that you should do it.
Back to my "community" theory. If you have a website, and it wins an
award, the site that gave you that award will put you in its winner
list. Now that's outside your community. Odds are it's full of
award-seekers who will never visit your site, but I figure it can't
Banner ads stink. How many banners have you paid attention to
lately? But awards may be different. When a search engine evaluates
your site, it looks at how many other sites link to you, and how many
other sites you link to. So I figure, why not award sites?
Award graphics take forever to load. So on my website is a link to
my "Awards Page." I don't care if no one ever sees that page. It's
just my way to display those awards. It also contains a list of over
800 awards. If you want to apply for some, the address is
There is a form on http://readers.freeservers.com/authors.html that
allows authors to list their websites. There is a form on
http://readers.freeservers.com/writingnewsletters.html that allows
people to list their newsletters. I don't know if it'll help your
traffic, but it can't hurt.
About the Author
Michael LaRocca