What's Your E-Resolution for 2005?

What's Your E-Resolution for 2005?

 by: Fabian Lim

The year has just started and NOW is the best time to plan ahead for the year.

If you're like most people, you wake up on New Year's Day with a resolution - a self-promise to complete and accomplish a certain challenge.

You probably wrestled with it the night before.

On this glorious morning you feel optimistic, confident and determined to keep the promises you made to yourself.

Your purpose isn't just the disposal of certain bad habits OR behaviors.

You WANT to succeed online, don't you?

So, what is YOUR "resolution" for your online business this year?

Is it to make your first online sale?

Is it to publish an ebook?

Is it to make $100,000 annually?

The truth is, it really doesn't matter how easy or difficult you set your online goal.

What matters is you have developed a plan to achieve your goal and have made a firm commitment to execute your plan.

If you are one of those people who makes resolutions every January then forgets about them by February - it's time to change that this year.

Because 2005 IS gonna be your BEST year online!

But keeping resolutions isn't always easy.

It's mapping out and following a course of action, that's dependent upon your own effort and commitment.

The best intentions can change quickly when they meet with the constant potholes of daily living.

Delaying plans until "a more suitable time," may be a fast-fix solution when the squeeze is on, but it won't hand you the confidence you'll get, if you keep resolutions and attain your goals.

Here Are Five Tips To Help You Achieve Your "E-Resolution":

1) Provide Yourself A "Reason Why"

You need a good "reason why" you chose a particular resolution in the first place. Your "reason why" will help restore your belief in yourself when times of trial and temptation pop up!

Wanting to achieve time and financial freedom are two common reasons why people strive to succeed online. But they are by no means the only reasons. What is YOUR "reason why"?

2) Set Realistic And Measurable Goals

Take small steps, pace your success. Look for progress - not perfection. Find an online mentor, someone who is a good example - someone whom you respect and trust.

Customize suggestions to meet your needs. Pat yourself on the back when you meet small goals. This allows you to personalize your own program for success.

3) Seek Support Whenever Possible

Expressing concerns to others should be an emotional outlet which inspires you forward. There are many online mentors out there who will be willing to help you online... if you just ask!

The online world is constantly evolving. The only thing constant online is 'change'. And change is difficult to cope with because it meets with the naturally occurring resistance that it creates. Gently push through your resistance. Remind yourself about other positives. View change as a challenge!

4) Develop A 'Learning' Mindset

As mentioned, the internet is an ever-evolving community. What worked six months ago may not work six months down the road. You've got to keep abreast of the online evolution.

And the only way you're gonna keep up is to develop a 'continuous learning' mindset. To this end, online forums are the best places to 'hangout' and observe what's hot and what's not.

5) Reward Your Achievements

Build up confidence in your inner self that already knew you could do it. Resolutions are easier to keep on a daily basis. Set-backs are a realistic part of change. Focus on self-care and hold tight to your dreams.

Start employing the above tips and strategies and you'll be one-step closer to achieving your New Year's resolution.

Make Your "E-Resolution" A Reality!

Copyright 2005 BizSuccessOnline