What Was I Thinking

What Was I Thinking

 by: Rebecca Gilbert

I often wonder what I was thinking by joining an affiliate program and starting a home business o­n the Internet. I started up not knowing a single thing about affiliate programs, I didn’t even recognize the term. I knew nothing about advertising, building websites, search engines, search engine optimization, or the million other things that I have learned in the past two years.

I have spent grueling, long hours behind my computer trying to figure out all of the things that I mentioned above. Often times, I had to leave my computer and take a break before I pulled my hair out. I was also required to teach others to do what I was doing. How could I possibly do that when I didn’t have the slightest clue to what I was doing?

On top of that, my family resented the time that I was spending o­n the computer, and the general consensus was that I was being scammed and wouldn’t ever see a dime for my time invested.I still remember my inner satisfaction from the looks o­n my family’s faces when my first check arrived in the mail. My first check arrived within six weeks of joining this particular affiliate program.

Now mind you, it wasn’t much. I believe my first check was about $60, but you would have thought that I had won the lottery. I had actually made money o­n the Internet! Now I have four or five checks arriving each month that are quite significant, and the peculiar thing is that they get larger each month and I work less all the time.

As I look back, I know what I was thinking. Someone had offered me the chance to change my life. They offered me the chance to make my own hours, they offered me the chance to be my own boss, and best of all they offered me the chance to make more money than I could ever make in the traditional work force.

All of those hair-pulling sessions behind my computer are virtually behind me, because I learned. I often feel that I have the equivalent of a bachelors degree in network marketing because of all the trial and error that I have went through building my business from the ground up.

Now that the foundation is in place and the building is nearly finished, I know that I will never worry about money again. I will never worry about having to cater to a boss that I don’t respect, or be forced to live by someone else’s schedule.

If you’re new to affiliates programs and are experiencing any of the anxieties that I have mentioned in this article, take a break; walk away, anything that you have to do to weather the storm. Just don’t quit! You’ll be giving up o­n a dream that is attainable, and the residuals will provide for your family long after you’re gone.