Will Amazon Leave Affiliates DEAD

Today I have a little story for you.

During my daily Internet escapades, a marketing buddy of
mine pointed me in the direction of a new press release that
was announced on CNET on February 25th 2000.

I was so shocked when I read the release, that my mind
wandered off in countless directions, trying to grasp the
devastating effect that this could bring to the world of
e-commerce. "No, surely not" I said to myself.

I quickly realized that the press release I just read
could entail me losing over HALF of my monthly revenue.

It's true.

DEATH TO SOME AFFILIATE PROGRAMS could soon be the reality.
(Well, at least the existing technologies that are used)

Amazon.com, the leading Internet bookstore and e-commerce
giant, applied for a patent to cover it's affiliate program
technologies on June 27th 1997.

It seems as though Amazon.com got there first before any
one, and started off the affiliate craze. Unfortunately,
they realized that their competitors would also employ similar
affiliate tactics to increase sales. So they applied for a
patent governing exclusive copyrights to the technology that
controls and operates the affiliate software.

If enforced, it would mean that some companies would either have
to apply for a license to continue using their affiliate programs,
or would have to cease using them as a marketing method.

The bad news is they received their patent on Tuesday.

The big question now is "Will Amazon Enforce It?".
Only time will give the answer. But if they do, this could
mean a big, BIG change in the e-commerce world.


As an Internet marketer, you may have to change the way your
own affiliate program operates. You may find that the affiliate
programs you're involved in now cease to operate, or are
forced to change in the way that they work.

Or, maybe nothing will happen.

But the point is, will you be ready for the change if it
DOES happen? How will your business cope? How will you
cover for the lost revenue if your affiliate program stops?

The important message that lies beneath all this doesn't
just stop at affiliate programs. It's about innovating for
the future to cope with new drastic changes. Can you cope?

We're living in exciting times. The Internet is developing
all around us, and the rules of e-commerce are being
rewritten every day. What worked and applied yesterday
may be irrelevant or outdated tomorrow.

The people who will truly succeed are the ones that can
cope with these sudden changes, and inspire new marketing
methods and techniques to keep their business booming.

Be ready for change. Not just for affiliate programs, but
for anything in life. Expect change, and become so flexible
that you can adapt to these changes effectively.

After all, life is full of changes, and the successful person
can accept this and move on. Are you this type of person?

When change comes (in whatever form), will YOU be ready?

Until next time...

About the Author

Lee Benson is an avid marketer who devotes his full-time
career to Internet marketing. His brand new online venture,
Ezine-Traffic, GUARANTEES to boost your online traffic to
bring MORE success using E-zines. Full, exciting info can be
found at: http://Ezine-Traffic.com/ezines