Your Home Biz Store

Your Home Biz Store

 by: Adrian Austin

To make your home biz store successful, you need to establish the following characteristics. First. you need to cultivate the trust and credibility of others by being knowledgeable and honest about your business. Second. don't exaggerate claims because people are wary of these tactics, and you may lose customers. Third, send email messages with at least one question that requires an answer.

Fourth, make sure the messages are short; long messages more than likely won't be read. Fifth, ask people to acknowledge that they got your message about your home biz store. Sixth, be aware of stricter spam practices as many email providers are blocking messages even if they aren't spam. Seventh, don't expect a get rich quick scheme; it takes time for a home business to grow.

Eighth, be persistent with your home biz store. Ninth, expect emotional highs and lows as there will be successes and setbacks. There are time management skills you can utilize. You can make a "to do" list. Write the list down, and leave it somewhere you are sure to look. Of course the list can be flexible; some tasks will have to be put off, and the list may need updating.

Also instead of writing everything on scraps of paper, invest in a simple spiral notebook to record what's going on. It can be a good memory jogger and can be used for future reference. There are also ways to manage the telephone. Record an effective message such as "Hello, this is John Smith. I'm not available now, but if you leave a message about what your call concerns and the best time to get up with you, I'll call you back later." If somebody can answer your calls for you, have them say the same. You want to know what the call is about to better prepare yourself for further conversations.

Your first priority in your home biz store is your customer; the old cliche "the customer is always right" is tired but true. Offer your customers newsletters to keep them apprised of your doings. Ask customers if they want to be notified if you change your website. Keep in contact with a customer after a purchase to ensure satisfaction. Send them surveys, and use rewards as incentives such as gift certificates.

If you have a website, make sure it's easy to use. Have a "frequently asked questions" or FAQ section to tell customers your policies. Send surveys asking about site navigation. Fix any problems promptly. Make your contact information readily available; post hyperlinked email addresses and toll-free numbers. A nice touch is sending longtime customers thank you gifts, emailing them cards on special occasions, and giving them price breaks. With these suggestions, your home business can thrive.