The very first thirty days with your new baby can be a time of pleasure and change. The pair of you are getting to know one another and very quickly you'll fall into a pattern that works well for both of you. Yet as you are perfecting that routine, make sure you are taking care of yourself. More than likely by now you've came to the realization that the new bundle of joy needs you at all times. So now it is much more important that you keep well and healthy. Here's a few things you can do to help keep you going.
One thing to do, is to put your to do list aside. If something comes to mind that you need to do, jot it down on your list, after which walk away from the list. Now isn't the time to be super mom, you will have sufficient time for that in the months and years to come. But for now your main job is to help your baby to get use to his new surroundings and to take care of you. You need to rid yourself of needing to get everything done. The floor may need scrubbed, but it can wait, the laundry may be piling up but it doesn't all need to be done today. Of course, if someone offers to assist, take them up on the offer. Now is also time for you to ask for help.
You need to rest when you can. So when baby is taking a nap, so should you. Lots of new mothers try and get stuff done while the baby is sleeping, only to be close to complete exhaustion in a very short time. Your routine will take shape shortly and you'll be able to get more tasks completed, but until that takes place, get your rest. We all know that if we are fatigued, our thinking is not well-balanced and we might get edgy and irritable. Newborns can easily sense that edginess and it makes them less content and much more likely to cry which enhances your already unbalanced state. Therefore stop the cycle and just get some sleep when your baby is sleeping.
You would by no means think of feeding your new baby a sleeve of Ritz crackers and a cup of coffee, however that is what you had for dinner yesterday evening. It really is a lot more important now for you eat well so that your health remains strong. I'm not stating that you should be preparing big meals; I realize that's difficult with a newborn. However should you choose eat some thing on the run, make it healthy. So grab a piece of fruit, purchase a pre-made salad, you can also have one of those frozen dinners that are of a healthy variety, although be cautious about the sodium content. If you are shopping search for things that are quick, healthy and can be prepared speedily. Again soon a pattern will develop and you will be able to do more things, but for now enjoy straightforward healthy meals.
Don't become isolated. It can be hard that first month because you are just trying to find a routine and take care of you and the baby. But you have to find a way to connect to the world outside of your home. Technology tends to make that much easier today. You are able to keep everyone up to date on Facebook. You can email and share pictures. You can even text friends in between diaper changes. You need to discover a way to take a few minutes for yourself. Let your partner to watch the baby while you have a long shower or read for a while. You must do something just foryou, it