Are You a Powerful Teacher For Autistic Children?

What do you think makes a powerful teacher for autistic children? If you are a teacher for individuals who are autistic, what makes you a powerful one, if you believe you are in that category? I have had the experience and knowledge to know that teachers who are powerful, are people who require certain capabilities to enhance their teaching for children with autism. For example:

Do you believe in your student(s) that they will be successful?

Do you believe your students will and can achieve goals, that you have given them?

Do you give your child or students praise, compliments, encouragement for what they have accomplished? This is powerful.

Do you motivate your child or student(s)?

Do you try to find the interest of your child or student(s) that will motivate him or her? This is another way of being a powerful teacher.

Do you make learning fun? Are you creative? Do you find ways that the interest is not lost for the individual?

Do you encourage positive self-esteem? Most individuals with special needs have a low self-esteem, due to the fact that they are being corrected and need direction to understand commands. Most individuals with autism do not feel good enough to be who they are. How are you as a powerful teacher, going to change that imagine into a positive self-esteem?

Do you want to teach the same old routine method that is acceptable, or do you want to invent new and better ways of being a great teacher, by trying new and creative methods of teaching? This kind of teaching is extremely powerful.

Do you focus on the strengths of the child or student(s)? Do you want to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the individual and encourage them? Being aware of the strengths, will enhance the weaknesses to become a positive growth.

Do you have communication with parent(s) or caregiver(s) that are positive?

Do you start the conversation with your child or student with a positive note?

Do you listen to your child or student(s) or do you think because he or she has the disorder of autism, their conversations do not count or are not valuable?

Do you believe every individual is unique and different when it comes to your teaching method?

Do you have an understanding and passion for your child who might be struggling with learning?

To become a powerful teacher for individuals with the disorder of autism, you will want to be willing to learn and grow according to the needs of your child or student(s). They will become enthusiastic and have a thirst for learning, your teaching will become more positive with less stress.

Are you willing to take time with passion to become that powerful teacher for autistic children?