Attention: Baby Stroller Demolition Derby

Attention: Baby Stroller demolition derby to be held by Baby Stroller City, sign up to enter today.

Have you ever seen a demolition derby where they get a bunch of cars and all try to eliminate each other from the event? It is kind of like a race gone crazy. They usually have them at county fairs and events like that.

Well, recently I just started a web-site for selling baby jogging strollers, and while talking with some friends I ask them if they would help me promote my site.

What do you need us to do?

Well I would like for you to officiate a contest, was my reply.

Sure, we would be glad to, they said, and what kind of contest are you having?

A Baby Jogging Stroller Demolition Derby! It was all I could do to refrain from laughing.


Yea, I said a demolition derby for baby strollers