Autism in Toddlers Can be Detected Early Compared to Infants?

Toddlers, with Autism can be detected early, compared to infants. Is this true? Many parent(s), caregivers(s) are concerned, if their infant will have the disorder of autism. Although there are signs of hereditary factors or problems existing from birth, it may be difficult to know for certain if your infant has autism at the time, when he or she is born.

Toddler age, about 3 years, give or take on the age, the disorder of autism will start to show up and it is easier to identify. It would seem easier to detect autism at birth and infant age, than at toddler age, especially when you as parent(s) or caregiver(s) want to know or have hereditary factors involved or certain signs that may lead towards the disorder. It is frustrating to wait, wonder, and not be sure, if your child has autism until he or she becomes near toddler age to have a more accurate knowledge and information.

Toddler age is the time for most individuals with autism to have the signs surface and become real, that there is a concern compared to infants. There are reasons for these signs to appear.

For example:

Autism symptoms and the severity of it, depends on their gender, age, and environment. Not all individuals are the same

Toddler age, you can determine if your child has verbal communication, wants to make conversations that continue for it to make sense or for him or her to understand it.

Sometimes, there is a concern, if your toddler does not like to be held or resists, hugs and gentle touch of assurance.

If you try to have your toddler attend pre-school, or introduce him or her to play games or be with other children, they do not participate or show very little interest, if any at all.

Toddlers at times, do not like or enjoy normal noises and sounds. The noise seems too loud and does not make sense. They cover their ears to avoid the loud noises and sounds, that are normal to us or others.

There may be the concern for toddlers, because they do not always understand language, or vocabulary, what the words mean or understand. Parent(s) or caregivers(s), may believe their toddler is having trouble hearing or a hearing problem.

Some toddlers will hear words and sentences and repeat them over and over again in repetition, without knowing what they are saying or what the words mean.

These are some of the examples, signs, symptoms, you may want to look for in your toddler, if you feel there may be any inkling of the disorder. These signs and symptoms usually do not appear in infants.

If you do have some concern or feel there may be any indication of autism present, have your toddler checked by a professional autism specialist, that will be able to give you concrete answers.

If you have your toddler examined at an early age or when you feel it is necessary to be examined by professionals in that field, you will probably find that your child will improve their skills, by learning how to express verbal talk, play with other children, understanding how to communicate and socialize.

It takes time and remember every toddler with autism is at a different level, so never compare your child to another or to family siblings.