Baby Monitors - Wireless and Wired

Baby monitors control elements useful for carers or parents, as they provide the freedom to set your baby to rest while you keep doing the regular work from home - or perhaps watching television - knowing your baby is being monitored safely. Technology has advanced greatly in recent years and there are many choices of baby monitor already available. The type of cable is the only monitor, but now the popular choice is the wireless baby monitor. It is useful to consider the advantages and disadvantages to each be making a choice which is right for you.

These systems essentially consist of two electronic devices: a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter unit is placed near the baby while they sleep monitoring and the receiver is used by the parent or caregiver to the baby to hear or see the baby when they are asleep.

Baby monitors come in two flavors that are wired or wireless. Wired baby monitors, as its name suggests use wires to connect the transmitter and receiver together. The main advantage and one reality of a cable system is that there will be no possibility of interference from household items and household appliances such as a neighbors baby monitor, cordless phones, microwave ovens and wireless home networks. However, there will be a cost to install such a system, but the main problem is the limitation of fixed position in the receiving unit. Being wired has to be installed in one place and can not be picked up or moved as the mobile phone unit.

Alternatively, the wireless baby monitor is much, much better because it is less restrictive. It is a popular choice due to its flexibility and portability. No installation of this device so you can be up and running in minutes. They allow parents to move around the house as the receiver and you can carry with them either clipped to a belt. You can always hear your baby wherever you are at home, living room kitchen or garden or wherever, provided it is within range.

The main drawback to wireless baby monitor is the issue of interference. Most units have the option of choosing different frequencies thereby minimizing interference so as not to interfere with home computers. FM units have the most issues with respect to interference, but there is a solution to this problem. With the advance of technology, digital or DECT baby monitors to address the problem of interference and make it a thing of the past. Digital monitors are much clearer and more sensitive and quality will not deteriorate as a system of analog monitor.

Another concern is the operating range in which the device is working properly. I will not be wandering so far from the sending unit to no longer can listen to your baby. The good news is most monitors allow a distance of up to 100 feet through obstructions range, which should be more than enough for most properties.