The breakout of the economic crisis around the world brought about a lot of changes to people from all walks of life. The stereotypical role of women of being in the house to take care of the baby and maintain the household has been forgotten. Men have become open to the idea of having a female co-worker or husbands going out for work with their wives. To this day, I believe that the change of the lifestyle and attitude of people towards gender equality at work is brought about by the financial crisis that has been attacking the world for decades now.
More and more couples accept the fact that both have to work to sustain their lives and support their families. Should they want to have fatter bank accounts, they have to work harder and spend most of their time at work. Working overtime is inevitable and for those who need more cash, overtime work is something that shouldn't be allowed to pass.
However, despite the importance of money not to mention the hunger for it, people shouldn't forget that they still have their health to look after. Clich