Build Character with This Triple A Recipe

Build Character with This Triple A Recipe

 by: Jean Tracy

My mother often said, "You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a cupful of vinegar." Let's build character by finding out how this applies to parenting.

Vinegar or honey, what do kids really want? "Toys, candy and their own way," answer millions of parents. Then why do too many toys, too much candy, and constantly giving into kids create sour little monsters? Aren't these the ingredients for honey?

Consider the three most delicious ingredients for raising kids with character:




These powerful ingredients will absolutely bond your kids to you. Great ways to stir this recipe into your everyday life are listed below:

1. Your children thirst for your positive attention:

Read stories with your kids.

Listen to their ideas.

Cheer them on at special events.

2. Your children thrive with your appreciation:

Thank yous


Specific praise for specifc deeds

3. Your children crave your affection:



Notes of love

Parents, it's your attention, your appreciation, and your affection that your children really want. This recipe has the power to create an unbreakable bond between you and your children. Use this Triple A Recipe to positively influence your children, their characters, and their futures. You will be giving them what they really want -you. You are the honey.