Bundling Baby: Baby Clothing Guide

As a new or expecting parent, you have a lot on your mind. Choosing the right baby clothes is likely one of those things. If you need some advice, you've come to the right place. This guide will help you decide what to buy, where to buy it, and how to care for it.

Your basic impulse is probably to buy as much as possible to ensure you have enough, but that's not necessary. The typical baby needs only a few essentials for a well-stocked layette. A package of onesies should be your first purchase. These are great on their own, or for layering your baby. Next up is socks. Younger babies don't need shoes, but they do need warm feet. Three or four pairs should be sufficient as they don't tend to get very dirty. You will also need a couple changing gowns. The easy access of this clothing item makes changing diapers a breeze. A few pre-matched outfits are also necessary for when you take your baby out and about. Other, more practical essentials include a stock of burping cloths, bibs, blankets, hooded towels for bath time, and hats to protect your baby's delicate skin from the sun.

When shopping for your baby's wardrobe, there are a few other things to keep in mind. Babies grow fast. Don't over-buy or you'll only end up wasting money. Buy a few items per growth spurt. Four to six items every 3 months or so should be sufficient. Also, be sure to choose comfortable, breathable fabrics. Your baby's skin was protected for 9 months in the womb, and thus, is very sensitive. If it doesn't feel comfortable on your skin, it certainly won't be comfortable for your baby. Functionality is key when purchasing baby clothes. All those bows and frills may be cute to look at, but will they get in the way when it's time to change your baby's clothes? Another functional item to choose is popper buttons over traditional style buttons. When it's time for a quick change, this style of button will make your life a whole lot easier. A final tip when dressing your baby is to go for the layered look. Babies are sensitive to temperature changes, and it's much easier to quickly add or remove a layer than to put on an entirely new outfit.

Deciding where to buy your baby clothes is the next step. You don't have to go high-end and purchase items at specialty stores, but you should buy clothing made from high-quality fabrics. Babies can be a bit messy, and you want items that will hold up to plenty of trips through the washing machine. Department and discount stores are your best bet to find great baby items at reasonable prices. Shopping at outlet stores in the off-season is another great way to shave a few dollars off your baby clothes budget.

Once you've accumulated your baby's wardrobe, it's time to care for the items. Always wash a new item before placing it on your baby. Shipping is a messy process, and a finish placed on new clothes to make them appear shiny can irritate your baby's skin. As far as detergent is concerned, you don't necessarily have to purchase a specially made baby-friendly laundry soap. As long as the detergent you use for the rest of your clothing doesn't seem to irritate your baby's skin, it's fine to use for their clothing. Stains will be your biggest obstacle when caring for your assortment of tiny clothes. Between diaper dilemmas and formula spills, you're sure to experience some stains. Pre-treating the stain before it sets is your best ally in keeping the clothes looking new for as long as possible.

Now that the basics have been covered, take a deep breath, and relax. Keeping your baby clothed and comfortable is not the arduous task you may have thought it would be. Keep this guide handy and shopping for your baby will be fun, and not stressful.