Prams now come not only as double pushchairs used in carrying two or twin babies, but as triple type buggies that are used for conveying three babies or triplets all at the same time. An obvious disadvantage of this type of buggy immediately you start using this is the weight you now have to contend with.
This kind of pushchair is quite new and usually has an upper limit weight of fifty kilograms (50kg) and can be used by children of some few months old up to four year-old kids. A major problem that double pushchairs have is their width size and this is much worse with a triple pushchair since in this baby carriage you have three seats instead of two.
Of course the life of a couple with triplets or three young children is made much easier with the triple type pushchair. Now the downside of weight mentioned earlier is better dealt with as manufacturers take care to make lightweight seats and other accessories.
Also with this, you have this kind of baby buggy incorporated with adjustable capabilities, which make life easier for your toddlers. They are adjustable providing support for adjusting seat heights and calf supports as the kids grow up to be bigger in size.
This triple pushchair can also be easily managed and altered to fit up or down in a similar fashion like the double type pushchair. It usually has easy to grip handles, which makes control of this device simple. These pushchairs come in various colors, sizes and designs. Some people have tried reducing cost of purchasing a "triple pushchair" by instead procuring a single buggy and a twin one and connecting them by means of connectors. This approach may seem wise at first, but may not survive the test of time. A major disadvantage it also comes with is the long time it takes to put this together before setting out for the day. It is wise before buying double pushchairs and triple type pushchairs or even any other type of pushchair to consider how easily you can maneuver them on the routes you will be taking and if they can be folded easily to fit into your automobile.
Other things which you may need to consider prior to buying pushchairs may be gotten from comments, reviews online made by different people who have bought and used these products. Mothercare, Graco, Mountain Buggy are definitely some of the better known manufacturers of double pushchairs.
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