Is it so important to know the sex of your baby-to-be? Only a few parents can be in a state of blissful ignorance but the majority burning with curiosity do want to know their baby's sex. Thanks to new technologies in particular to ultrasound scans, it is quite possible to crack this mystery of nature before the baby is born. Thus getting the information parents have enough time to make themselves feel happy with this news in case they expected something different. Nevertheless there is one more big advantage of this foreknowledge; caring parents can use it to specify the theme and baby furniture of the nursery.
A few words about the nursery
Choosing a nursery for your baby select as far as possible a spacious room because it is false belief that baby room is a place where the baby only sleeps and has the meal. This room will be a little universe for the child where he or she is going to grow, develop and know the world around. As this room will serve your child for years to come he or she should not be cramped in the nursery.
Get started
Once you know the sex of your baby-to-be and have an appropriate room you can start creating the nursery. It is obvious that the rational approach to it is just what you have to begin with. Pick up a theme and colour scheme for the walls. Remember all the design should correspond to the baby's sex. It means that it won't be rather whimsical to choose pink and yellow primary colours with a doll theme for a baby boy's room. Western decor with horses, Indians and cowboys will be much better and much more interesting to apply to a boy's nursery.
As for baby furniture it can follow the chosen theme or be neutral. For example if you long to create a real Western atmosphere in this case it is better to choose nursery furniture with horse images or other western attributions. But avoid buying baby furniture in particular baby cribs with any cut-outs, your baby can get stuck in them and this can cause the worst. Do not hang any scary Indian masks even if they go well with the chosen theme. Your baby is too little to appreciate this kind of your diligence. Every decoration item is to radiate friendliness and amicability. All the primary colours in the nursery should not be aggressive it means that you should avoid using red colour and dark colours as well.
Pink or Blue
As for a neutral room set it can match a boy's room as well as a girl's nursery, so, choosing it will be more practical in case your next child is of another sex and you will have only to change the theme of the room. However if you want every bar of the furniture to show its belonging to your precious baby girl you can use rosy baby furniture to meet your wishes and beautify your little princess' room.