There are lots of different types of highchairs to choose from but the most important features are safety and functionality. Whether it is a wooden highchair or a plastic one, when you buy a highchair you need to make sure it's both sturdy and easy to clean. Another factor to consider is how much room you have in your house. If you don't have much space then your highchair needs to fold up and store away easily, as well as being simple to put back up again. The cost of the highchair will depend on the extras it comes with.
When your baby is sitting up confidently on their own and eating well, they could be ready to join you at the dinner table with their very own chair. It's a great step forward for all of you because it means you can continue eating while feeding your baby, and he can join the family at the dinner table. You can get all kinds of highchairs nowadays to even match your kitchen. Highchairs without trays are more suited to older babies, as the lack of tray means that the child sits closer to the table so that it can really join in with the family meal.
Features to look out for on good highchairs include: extra padding on the seats, reclining and adjustable seat heights, a removable and easy-to-clean seat cover is important for any spillages your little one could make and this goes for a removable tray as well. A highchair which is compact when folded, is handy for space saving. A divided tray to keep different foods separate, an extra tray or double-layered tray so you can use one for dinner and one for dessert or wash one while the other is in use is also handy. Another great invention is the multi-function highchair, which converts into a separate low chair and table when your baby is a toddler, and can also be used as your child grows up.
When in use, keep these safety points in mind, which may seem obvious but they are important and recommended by mothers. When your baby is sitting in the highchair, make sure that they are properly restrained, it's essential you get into the habit of strapping your baby in the highchair every time you put him or her in. Always supervise your baby at all times while he is in the highchair, in case they choke while eating. It is also prudent not to use a highchair on a raised or slippery surface.