Do Toddlers Really Need a Sun Protection Suit?

When purchasing swimwear for your toddler(s), it can feel a little odd to place them in an all covering sun protection suit when there are plenty of cute bikinis and swim shorts to select from. You may also wonder if it is really all that important to have one for your child, particularly if you apply sunscreen regularly.

Children who love the water can spend hours playing in a pool or at the beach. Sun block can wear off or be washed off by the water, and it can be difficult to get your toddler to sit still long enough to reapply, especially without rubbing little grains of sand into their soft skin by accident.

The key is to find swimwear that is comfortable and covers the danger spots, which often get too much UV exposure. This is the main trunk of the body, the arms and the thighs. A full sun protective suit doesn