It was only a few decades ago that people with depression were sometimes regarded with suspicion; so too was the likelihood that young people, even children, would ever have such a condition. But medical science is forever evolving and now we know that mental illness and depression in particular is a common condition in people of all ages.
Now there are some things we need to make clear at first. Depression is not an exact science. It is a condition which varies from patient to patient. Then too the treatment for depression will vary greatly. If you discover your teen has depression, don't think that another teen's treatment will equate to that which is prescribed for your son or daughter.
Your teen can attend treatment sessions as an outpatient but many believe that being helped in a residential treatment facility is an ideal way, certainly at the beginning of the treatment.
These days there is a wide variety of tests which can be conducted to ascertain why your teen is feeling down and whether they are depressed or have depression. These comprehensive tests can get to the root cause of the problem. If it involves a chemical imbalance within the brain, then there is a strong possibility the patient has depression. But further tests may reveal much more. How widespread is the imbalance, how severe is the depression and what form of treatment is best to help the patient.
With some patients, medication may not be recommended. This is often the case with young patients. There are alternatives to drugs involving lifestyle changes and therapies which can help ease the problem.
If you attend a residential treatment facility, it is likely there are several options available. The patient could receive medication, have therapy sessions and receive counseling. It may never be possible to fully remove the cause of the depression but it is certainly possible to help the patient to [a] understand their condition and [b] to manage it allowing them to live as full and as enjoyable a life as possible.
One major advantage of residential as opposed to outpatient treatment is that of a family and friendly atmosphere. It is not that clinics offering outpatient services are cold and unfriendly but when someone is living in a facility, they need to feel at home. That's the aim of the venue. Make the patient feel at ease and be receptive to whatever form of treatment is being provided. It's as close to a happy family scenario as possible.
A teenager with depression needs practical help. They need their daily living skills enhanced. That's why speech therapy and occupational therapy are so highly regarded. Kids with depression can improve their ability to prepare for further education and employment with better speaking skills and greater confidence and knowledge when seeking employment. It's all part of the total package when helping young people with depression. Parents are well advised to investigate residential facilities which work with teenagers who have depression.