Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum - Do I Need One?

If you are thinking about or planning on homeschooling, you may be wondering whether you need a homeschool Kindergarten curriculum to homeschool successfully. Truth be told, all it takes to home school a Kindergarten child is what you have used and done up until now along with a few more resources.

If you have a good homeschool guide, you can use that along with the following principles and be on your way to a great homeschool year:

1. Read to your child - This is so simple, many parents overlook the value of it. They think they have to use a bunch of prepackaged material, when great picture books will work extremely well. Buy your own books or use the library, but make sure you read to your child at least 30 minutes per day. This will expand their knowledge along with develop their language skills.

2. Play with numbers - There are many ways to teach homeschool Math. Workbooks are just one way to introduce Math. You can also use flashcards, games, money, a ruler, a calendar and many other hands-on resources to help your child learn what he needs to know about numbers.

3. Paper and pencils - Make sure you have lots of paper, pencils and interesting writing utensils readily available for your child to use. Write notes, make lists, draw pictures, and trace anything you want.

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