How Does Compassion Benefit You and Your Autistic Child?
As parent(s), caregiver(s), it is important to have and, show compassion towards your child with autism. By doing this, it will benefit both your child and you. How can this be achieved? Teaching, or having compassion is very difficult, especially when you are under stress, disappointment and worn out from dealing with your autistic child, or you had an extremely difficult day, it could develop into being abuse or bullying.,
What is compassion? It is defined in the dictionary as "pity for suffering or distress of another, with the desire to help" If the quality of compassion is missing, it could develop into being abuse or bullying. To have compassion, is to have sensitivity. That is a quality you must experience first, before becoming compassionate.
For your child with autism, sensitivity, and caring come only, when one has been treated with sensitivity, and care. This is how you project it to your child. By doing this, you and your child will benefit.
When you become angry with your child, and we all do, begin to know what you feel. Once you have tuned into how you feel, take actions, and learn to act on what you feel in a constructive way. This is where compassion is important to display the desire to help your child, so,he or she will benefit from it.
Remember, knowing your feelings, and improving on them is the first step to understanding compassion, for you and your child to benefit. The next step is, to make those feelings you have become better and work for positive results for both you and your child.
Do not confuse compassion with discipline. There will always be a need for discipline. But compassion is understanding, and the desire to help. With an autistic child, and the many levels of the disorder, it may be difficult at times to show compassion, for the fact, the disorder has many levels of behavioral problems, and some are extremely difficult to handle. Those behaviors infuriate you, and are a mystery.
Due to the fact of the perplexing behaviors that autistic children show, you, as parent(s), caregiver(s), might find it hard to be compassionate, because of these behaviors. On the other hand, not being compassionate, and not understanding your child, you will not benefit, and the results will not be positive. Yes, your child needs to be disciplined, but having compassion can be a big part of the discipline, to help bring forth positive benefits for you and your child.
I am not sure if anyone understands autism in its total complexities, but I do no, most people understand what compassion is, and how to use it, and understand it. Compassion for your child who has autism is a powerful element that brings forth positive benefits.
Enjoy your child and try to understand him or her, by showing compassion, when necessary, and you will benefit from the results.