Double Jogging Strollers are an excellent way to get the kids out of the house and to get them some fresh air. When the weather is nice, it's always a good idea for them have some outdoors time. Letting them ride in a double jogging stroller while you walk around the block might not sound like much, but it can have its benefits. If you're lucky, they might fall asleep and you can either gently remove them and put them in bed or let them sleep securely strapped into the stroller.
While many people think Double Jogging Strollers are only for outdoors use, I've found them to be great for the mall as well. Since the strollers are meant to be easy to use, they are often lightweight and maneuverable. This makes them ideal for winding through stores and dodging other shoppers. Keep this in mind when looking to purchase double jogging strollers as it could make it worthwhile over a regular double jog stroller.
You've been inside all day and just need to get away. What better way to do this than to strap the kids into a jogging double stroller and take a walk around the block. Everyone gets a change of scenery, especially you who needs it most and some fresh air. Don't underestimate the effect this can have on your sanity. Just be prepared to do more than one lap if the kids are behaving as they seem to like going on tours through the neighborhood.
Double Jogging Strollers are not a one size for all deal. There are ones with front and back seating as well as those with side-by-side seating. How your children behave when close to one another is a determining factor as to which one you want. Personally, the front/back seating always worked better as there was less temptation for a child (usually the youngest) to agitate the other one (the oldest). Plus, a lot of times the older child likesto ride in the back because it makes them feel more grown up.
Based on the fact that jogging double strollers are used for exercise, they are easily portable. This means they can be taken just about anywhere. Malls, parks, little league games, you name it. Adding to the portability is that the strollers are designed with running in mind so they also turn better than most regular strollers. Ever tried to dodge mall shoppers in an umbrella stroller? This can be much easier to do with a double jogging stroller.
Whoever thought that owning a double jogging stroller would be so much fun. Not only can you get yourself some exercise, but your kids get to ride along in style. My kids have loved taking in the surroundings when we go on a trip around the block. I hesitated on purchasing a double jogging stroller, but now I'm glad I did.