Traditional medicine in ancient India also known as ayurvedic medicine introduces the use of infant massage. Since then, it became popular in many cultures such as Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. Like a typical massage, babies may enjoy the same healthful benefits such as healthy circulatory system, releasing emotional stress and others. Aside from its healthy and physical benefits, parents and their child have the opportunity to bond and share love with each other.
Furthermore, International Association of Infant Massage or IAIM said, doing a regular baby massage helps in giving better sleep, promoting better digestion, boost the immune system, and aids in producing a hormone called oxytoxin. Oxytoxin is a hormone that is use as a pain reliever and gives a calming effect on people. Keep in mind that you must use only light pressure when massaging your babies and you also have to make sure that it is not too light that might tickle your baby. When massaging the smallest areas, use only your fingertips.
Make sure that your hands are clean before you begin the massage. Wash your hands with safe and natural soap that contains non toxic formula that gently cleans and moisturizes the skin. Choose an enclosed room where the air is easily circulated and gently place your baby on a safe blanket or mattress. Talk to the baby in a loving and comforting voice before you start the massage.
Remember to use edible oil to get rid of friction. You can use olive oil or sunflower oil in order to your hands run smoothly over the baby