Jogging Strollers Are Not Just for Jogging

Jogging Strollers are not just for jogging, as I discovered at a parade last Saturday. I observed many Mothers pushing, and I do mean pushing, their babies down the sidewalk and over the bumps and over the curbs and it just dawned on me, how inconvenient!

Taking your baby to an event should be pleasant, and comfortable. You shouldn't have to exert a lot of extra effort and be inconvenienced by having and inferior baby stroller. Jogging strollers have big tires and can easily overcome those street curbs. They are lightweight and easy to maneuver allowing for effortlessly strolling (Not Pushing) your baby along the way. They also are easy to maneuver. I watched as many Moms had to stop and back up because the little wheels of their strollers would lock up because of some little pebbles on the sidewalk or even get hung up in the grass if they ventured off the